Love and Care to The One and Only ME & YOU

Sunday is always my favorite day. I get to listen to inspiring and uplifting messages every week from a variety of topics. Love and care are my two favorites. The practical application teachings from verses in the Bible have been very helpful. I've always been eager to learn more. I am an eternal student in the school of life. This has become my happy place. I always look forward to visiting every Sunday. The ambiance, the positive energy and the songs of worship. I can feel God’s love and warm embrace!

I am always on a natural high when I go home. My heart is full of love and my mind filled with God’s word and wisdom.

One Sunday when the talk was about love and care. It focused on “self-love and self-care” particularly. I found this so interesting and quite empowering especially for women like me. By nature, we are emotional human beings, true givers in a sense that we love, love and love. We give so much love and care to the people who are dear to us. We absorb everything. We even take on our loved ones problems and make them our own. With all of this, sometimes we forget about ourselves.

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Yes, there are days when our high energy is being depleted, we get burnt out and we lose our sense of purpose in life. When we are being beaten and knocked down by the negativity around us we tend to flare up. There are moments when our overflowing cup of love becomes empty. Feeling lonesome. Tired. Hopeless. Worthless. Disheartened. Demotivated. Feeling like this can lead us to negative thoughts. Think of all the negative self-talk and things we say about ourselves.

It’s like a wake-up call to us saying to refill our love tank. Slow down. It calls for some alone time or me-time (I think every woman can relate to this).

Like a favorite quote of mine that goes like this:

[easy-tweet tweet="No matter how busy life gets, never forget to stop and smell the flowers." via="no" usehashtags="no"]

I love these words emphasized in this talk: You cannot give what you do not have. So profound in meaning, isn’t it? Realizations came in, after hearing these words. And it’s true. It has stricken a chord in my heart and made me wonder how can I give more love and continue giving love when I do not have it?I need to take care of and love myself in order for me to be able to extend it to others.


We need to appreciate and value ourselves more than anybody else can. Make ourselves a priorityWe need to give the proper attention to our body. Remember that Health is wealth. Listen to our body’s needs.We need to affirm ourselves that we are loved and deserved to be loved. Unique human beings created by an awesome God and His favor is upon us. we are who God has called us to be. We are beautiful in our own special way.The most important thing is connecting to God, the true source. And spending time with Him in prayer and in solitude..In loving ourselves more, we’ll be able to share that love with others.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself. - Mark 12:31 ESV


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