God’s Love Story Through My Eyes

A couple weeks ago my wife and I had the privilege to became members of our new church.  Part of the requirement to become a member was to go before at least two elders and give our testimony.  I appreciate that the church does this and to be honest I was excited to share mine.  I was excited because it seems that without fail God always shows me his sovereignty, love, grace, admiration, etc.. in ways I hadn’t noticed before.  But I was also excited to share my testimony because it’s a chance to tell God’s love story through my eyes.I opened up a word document and thought I would make a quick bulleted list of highlights that I didn’t want to leave out.  Well that short bulleted list turned into a 6 page, single spaced, 4,000+ word document. It’s true what Pringles use to say, “Once you pop you can’t stop!”It was extremely comforting to go back and relive those moments that were scary and see God’s finger prints all over it.  We may not have seen or felt it at the time but it’s clear that he was there from start to finish.  He was also there during the good times and I could feel/see him laughing and smiling as I replayed those moments in my mind.The main reason for my post today is to encourage you to take a break from your busy live and jot down, sing, draw, relive God’s love story through your eyes.  I’m confident that he will reveal himself in new ways that you never knew before.Dear Heavenly Father,I thank you for this beloved daughter/son of yours here today.  I pray that you will reveal yourself to him/her in a new way.  In a way that will blow them away and leave them in complete shock.  That they will have an overwhelming sense to know you more intimately and personally.  I thank you that you are a personal God that knows every hair on our head and what we are going to think/pray before we do.  You are an amazing God and I pray that you will continue to write your love story throughout our lives and give us the courage to let that story shine!  We love you father.  Amen.     

               Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes (NIV)



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