Make a Recommendation for God - Jesus Does it For You

Today I went online to Angie's List per request of the lady who cleans my home each month.  She asked that I go on and write a review for her based on the services she has provided.  That entire site is based on the reviews and recommendations of others who have first hand experience of the services provided.  The reason I am on Angie's List is for that purpose specifically.  When I need to find someone to provide services, I want to hear from people who have the first hand experience with the people I am looking to hire.  People like to know that others have had success before they take a chance on them in their own life.The same thing happens in job searches across the world.  Candidates submit resumes and recommendation letters to potential employers. Employers don't like taking chances on someone for a position that they want to be filled for a long time.Think about this.  How did you find the church you currently attend?  Maybe you have gone there your entire life, or maybe you just happened upon it one day. Maybe you searched online and liked the way it looked.  But many people find churches based on friends who go, and who ask them to attend with them.  In short...its through a personal recommendation from someone you trust and who knows you.So here are the two points God revealed to me this week while I was writing a recommendation on Angie's List...

  1. God wants you to Give Him Lots of Recommendations
    • Mark 16:15 - "He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
    • Can God make the recommendations Himself?  Of course He can, but He empowers us to do it because He knows that we listen to each other and believe each other sometimes more so than a sign that He would put in front of us.  You may be one of the only people in the world that can reach a specific person in your life.  They may not trust anyone but you, and if you provide a recommendation to them to give God a chance, they may very well give Him a chance, based solely on your words.  Its something we shouldn't take for granted and remember in all of our conversation. Could be as easy as inviting a friend to church.
  2. Jesus Makes a Recommendation to God For Us
    • Hebrews 7:25 - "Therefore Jesus is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them."
    • Romans 8:34 - "Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us."
    • If Jesus calls us to give Him recommendations for Him among our peers, He does the same thing for us with His Father.  Jesus who came to Earth as a man, is sitting at the right hand of God and is in effect our recommendation letter to be forgiven by the Almighty Father. The encouragement here is that Jesus is on our side and always pulling for us and sharing with the Father who holds all power in Heaven and on Earth.  Walk in confidence when you are giving our your own recommendations, knowing that one has already been giving for you by Jesus to God!

Now go out TODAY and make a recommendation for someone to give Jesus a chance!


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National Adoption Month