The Nation That I See [What God Put on My Heart About the USA]

I once heard a very successful pastor give an amazing speech on casting vision for our lives. He talked  about how important it is to speak out and write down the things you are believing God for. With all the presidential election taking place in just a few weeks, I thought it might be a good time to write down and speak out some vision for our nation.As citizens of this great nation, we have a tendency to be far too critical of our current state and our current leadership. God really impressed upon my heart to stand up and start praying for, and claiming aloud, great things for the future of our country. I would like to take this opportunity to share with everyone reading this the things that God placed on my heart. And I hope that you will stand in agreement and prayer with me!

I see a nation...

I see a nation that has wandered far enough from God, that they finally understand the implications of walking without Him. In the same way that a repentant sinner turns away from their sin and turns towards their loving creator, I see our great nation turning back to our God who's grace made us great in the first place. I see generations of men and woman falling to their knees before The Lord, and begging for His grace and mercy.I see a nation cloaked in humility, utterly dependent on Christ, and overflowing with His love. What I see is a nation that uses it's influence to bring greater glory to God by caring for those who cannot care for themselves. I see a nation anointed to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, to give recovery of site to the blind, and to set the captives free. Read Isaiah 61:1.I see generations of men and women rising above their fears, and living lives Holy and pleasing to God. I see young men and women full of hope and anticipation. They pray fervently for The Lord's presence to sweep through the earth and bring about truth, love, joy, peace, forgiveness, and healing. I see generations who believe that Jesus is who He said He is, so they sincerely try to follow in His footsteps.

I see a nation who craves the word of God; a nation who longs for that word, because to them it is far far sweeter than the honey from the honeycomb.

I see a nation who no longer wallows in divorce and pornography. Instead it is a nation where strong marriage relationships between men and women are the foundation of its strength, because they mirror the union between Christ and His church the way that God intended.I see a nation who places a huge emphasis on their youth, because they understand that their youth represents the future. This nation will raise up generation after generation of children who saw examples all around them of what it means to live a life submitted to Christ. These generations will be full of joy, peace, hope and a passion for Christ that is unprecedented.This nation will no longer marinate in depression and sin, but will be made up of billions of men and women who stand strong and firm no matter what the circumstances of life bring. This nation will understand what it means to have joy even in the face of opposition, because their joy will be founded in Christ.

I see an army rising up in this nation, who's only mission is to bring glory to God.

This army will not bring glory to God by persecuting and casting aside all those who don't agree with their beliefs, but by sincerely loving and having compassion for those who don't agree with their beliefs. An army that will not be fighting with earthly weapons, but with unconditional love. This army will represent a nation who worships God in Spirit and in truth the way that He desires!Our nation will no longer tear down its leaders who are not doing their jobs well. This nation will get on it's knees and pray for those leaders, and stand behind them even when they make mistakes.This nation will truly beat with one heart, and that will be the heart of Christ.

I strongly encourage you today, whether you are a republican or a democrat, whether you classify yourself as liberal or conservative, identify yourself first and foremost as a son or daughter of the living God.

It does us no good to constantly criticize our leaders and those people that agree or disagree with their political views. It doesn't do us any good to consume ourselves with worry and fear, no matter how far our nation falls. What does do some good is to stand on God's word and speak out the truth of His word over our situation.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philippians 4: 6

When we align ourselves with His truth, and we are prepared to stand up for that truth even in the midst of strong opposition, His grace has the power to completely transform our situation. I am excited to watch Him completely transform our nation.


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