Even if you have given up on you, Jesus will never give up on you!

A lot of people might get uncomfortable sharing from the perspective of their shortcomings and their failures. Personally, that is my favorite place to share from, because it ensures that I am sharing the power of Christ in me and not any power within myself. So today I would like to tell everyone about the lowest point in my life.About 4 years ago, I had completely given up on myself. I was absolutely absorbed with pride, self righteousness, and all sorts of sinful addictions. I had tried everything that I possibly could do to break free of those addictions on my own. The more I tried, the tighter the claws of drunkenness, pornography and pride gripped me. It was sort of like being trapped in quick sand. The more I struggled to get free, the faster I sunk. Finally, I hit a point where that quick sand of brokenness was over my head and I could no longer breathe. I fell into depression. I hit rock bottom. For the first time in my life, I had completely given up.

Little did I know that while I had given up on myself, God had not given up on me. In fact, in giving up on myself, I was actually getting out of His way and giving God the freedom to supernaturally go to work in my life. God reached down and grabbed hold of me at my lowest point. Out of desperation, I finally made the choice to respond to Him and give Him my life. Over the next 4 years He begun a process of redemption and restoration beyond what I could have ever dreamed. He saved my soul, freed me from my addictions, and filled me with joy and peace like I had never known.
I still have a long way to go, and this restoration process is one that will continue for the rest of my life. There are new things He is freeing me from today. But I can easily look back and know that every victory has been a product of His love, grace, and mercy. If it had been left up to me, I don't even know where I would be. I would not have been able to push myself out of depression and into a life of purpose. I know I would still be drowning in brokenness. I can say with full certainty that when I had completely given up on me, Jesus never gave up on me. In fact, He was just getting started with me.
I know there are people reading this today who have lost hope. Maybe you have lost hope completely, like I had 4 years ago. If so, your redemption is within reach. All you have to do is take it. All you have to do is respond to Jesus. He has a way of taking our brokenness and turning it into something absolutely beautiful that brings glory to God. You may have given up on you, but He is just getting started with you.
Maybe you have just lost hope in a particular area of your life. Maybe you know that God loves you, but you really don't believe that He will free you from that addiction, restore that relationship, use you to reach those who are lost, etc. Whatever your situation, the same truth applies. You may have reasoned in your mind why God cannot or will not do it, and you may have thrown in the towel. I want to just encourage you today as someone who has been there, to hold on, press in and turn to Him. He has a plan better than anything you can even imagine. You may have given up on you, but Jesus has not given up on you!
I waited patiently for the Lord;
    he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,    out of the mud and mire;he set my feet on a rock    and gave me a firm place to stand.He put a new song in my mouth,    a hymn of praise to our God.Many will see and fear the Lord    and put their trust in him.
         - Psalm 40: 1-3

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