Pandora’s Box: A Look Into The Book of Revelations

A big part of the Philippines was rocked by a 6.1 magnitude earthquake last April 22nd. This included Metro Manila where my husband and I currently reside. The only thing that came to my head while being stuck on the 10th floor the entire time was the book of Revelation and 2 questions:

  1. Lord, has the right time come already?
  2. Am I ready?

The Book of Revelations Says It All: How The World Will End

If you are like me, reading the book of Revelations can make you feel a bit anxious about the future. Anxious about what will happen when God makes the final judgment.If we are to think about this verse, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 NIV), we can assume that no one is worthy to be granted a life in eternity. However, the Bible speaks about salvation for all those who call on the name of Jesus.

What is Heaven Like?

I have watched countless movies about what heaven is like. They somehow created an image in my head about the ideal picture of Heaven. The Bible has lots of descriptions about it to a certain extent. But no one can really provide a clear and definite picture of Heaven.If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and your Savior, you have already been given a life free from condemnation, guilt, and shame.And yet, for as long as we are here in this world, sin will corrupt us every now and then. Now, this is the test – breaking free and not conforming from the patterns of this world as guided by the fruits of the Spirit within us. It will be the indication that we are Christ-like in every manner, deserving life in eternity.

Living By Faith

No wonder it is by faith that we were asked to live each and every single day of our lives. Because there is no knowing where we really belong. No knowing if our lives here on earth are pleasing in the eyes of God. Yes, we all have sinned and may sin from time to time. And yet, we are already one step forward to our spiritual journey when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and our Savior. We have already been saved, we need not work for it.

Related Post: Is God Pleased With You?

And yet, along with that acceptance of salvation came the commitment to turn away from anything that God calls as sin. Surely, though, we may struggle and falter along the way, because, certainly, we will be just like what Jesus said. He said in John 16:33 (“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”), God already gave us an assurance of a perfect faith. A perfect faith worthy of life in eternity through this verse:

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” – Philippians 1:6 NIV

It’s all just a matter of believing and obeying.


Why (and How) God Tests Our Faith


PJ's Story and the Inconsolable Longings of Your Soul