Treat Others Like They Are Part Of The Team

Any football game you go to usually has a good mixture of fans cheering for either team. As I sat there in the stands at the Giants and Jaguars game, God spoke to me through an injury one of the Giants players suffered during the game. The stadium was silent as some fans were trying to figure out who was injured and some fans saw it as an opportunity to stop the vendor for a snack or drink. The player then stands up and the crowd follows to cheer on the player as he made his way to the sideline.I couldn’t help but think; what if we, as believers in Christ, rallied around the people around us that suffer hurt daily? What if we stopped, listened, and cheered on that person that we see everyday walking in spiritual pain? We can celebrate as they progress as people and show them that we love them. We aren’t responsible for them becoming a believer in Christ, but we can sure be an example of His light and let God work. Jesus says in John 13:35, “By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”Just like football, when we are on Jesus’ team, we have to game plan against the enemy. We have to make sure we have a solid foundation and community around us to uplift us in our times of weakness. We have to be prepared to go to war with the opposing enemy who is trying to defeat us. Believers need to rally around non-believers and recruit them to be a part of the winning team. It starts with building trust and loving others.Let's live and love like teammates.  Fight through adversity.  Encourage each other.  Celebrate your teammates!


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