
Paradigm Shift - this blog is named so because its' primary goal is to offer a shift in paradigm, or perspective, in our every day lives. This is a theme that God has been weighing heavily on my heart lately. After nearly five years of being a Christian, my memories of my life before Christ are slowly becoming a distant memory - a nightmare from the past of sorts. With those bad memories fading away, it is all to easy to forget just what God rescued me from, what God has done in my life, and what He is still doing.As Christians, we have it good in life. We literally have a 24/7 365-days dispensery for happiness, joy, and fulfillment. When life hits us hard, we have a God who will bring peace, contentment, and serenity into our lives - all we have to do is go to Him. It is all too easy to forget what it was like living without God - the emptiness, never feeling fulfilled - chasing things like relationships, cars, guns, jobs that afford social status so that we can find temporary happiness. It is all too easy to forget that there are millions of people, all around us, that are unhappy and hurting - chasing the things of the world for fulfillment.perspective-quoteIt is all too easy to become accustomed and entitled to the blessings that God has to offer, and to slowly forget what we are thankful for when we pray. It is all too easy for me to complain and be disgruntled with engineering school, rather than to be thankful for the honor and the privilege of being able to attempt to earn a degree in one of the most difficult programs that my university offers. It is easy to forget that 8 short years ago, I dropped out of high school - I had no ambition, no drive, and no desire to succeed in school. It is all too easy to forget how God moved with a mighty hand, and brought me out of that dark time in my life - into a time of self improvement and direction for my life. These days, rather than being thankful for all of that, I find myself complaining about the very blessings that I used to pray for!To anybody reading this blog, I think there is a very special reason that you are reading this. What has God done in your life, where were you before you came to know Jesus? Are you complacent, maybe even a little bit accustomed to the blessings God gives you? Maybe not, but what about the people around you? They might seem whole to the naked eye, but what is lying deep down? Is there a hollow void? With those questions, I will end this blog. Thank you for reading! Hopefully I have given y'all a paradigm shift for the day!


Don't Debate...LOVE!


Donald Trump may be right