Praying Over a House

As I looked around the now empty house I turned to my wife and asked, "Any Last Words?"  You see, the house we were leaving behind was the first house we lived in together after we got married just a year prior.  Man, how things can change in such a short amount of time.  After I had asked my wife that question I stood at the door with the last load of items in my hands and had a wave of emotions come over me.  We had been so busy packing and organizing the move that I never did think about the house we were leaving behind.  Nor had I taken the proper time to recall all the pain, struggles and happy times we had had.As I looked at the empty living room I recalled our first Christmas together sitting on that very floor putting a puzzle together.  With of course the best movie ever made playing in the background (aka A Christmas Story)!  Or the time I saw my wife literally lean against the hallway wall just to walk to the bedroom so she could be comfortable.  My wife is the strongest person I know.  She suffers from Fibromyalgia (Fibro) and battled to get out of bed some days because she was in so much pain.  I truly believe that my heart hurt just as much, if not more than, she did on that day.Or another time when we had been married for only 3 months and I had to tell my wife that I had just been laid off from work.  And hundreds of memories of waking up to see my wife lying in bed wide awake because she couldn't sleep due to the pain from the fibro.  Of course what marriage wouldn’t be complete without plenty of arguments over things we can’t even remember now?  Needless to say it was a rough first year of marriage. But in the back of my mind I couldn't help but be somewhat happy we were having such a difficult time in life.  To me it symbolized the enemy trying his absolute hardest to break such a powerful and beautiful marriage from doing the work God had planned for us.  But you know what; we would probably still be fighting those battles today if it wasn't for my wonderful wife and her child like faith.I think we had both reached the point of exhaustion and we were looking for anything or anyone that could help us get out of the darkness we were in.  My wife had previously asked during the spring/summer if we should pray over the house.  I thought that was a little corny and awkward so I quickly dismissed it.  By late summer/early fall, my wife brought the subject up again and asked if we could pray over the house.  This time I gave in and thought, "Well, what could it hurt?" We went to each room in the house and held hands and read the prayer out loud.It was amazing how we both felt a weight being lifted off our backs.  Shortly after the prayer I received a new job (hence why we were moving) to work with troubled youth.  As for my wife's fibro, that very next night she was able to sleep through the night and her fibro started to feel much more manageable.  It's amazing what the power of prayer can do!But the main reason I am writing this is not to brag about my wife and I and how spiritual we are.  I wanted to share how powerful prayer was, even praying over a house as awkward as that may sound and seem to you.  Just remember that the spiritual world doesn’t play by the same rules that we do here on Earth.  It’s a daily battle, and every prayer helps the good guys in the daily fight!If you would like to pray over your house, office, cubicle, church, or anywhere, this is the link that helped us.




Negative circumstances can lead to positive benefits.