Praying Over a House – Take 2

Related Content: Praying Over a House

A little over a year ago I shared a blog posted entitled “Praying Over a House.” Since that post we have received amazing feedback and stories of people that have prayed over their houses, offices, churches, vehicles, etc…. I’m so thankful that the Lord could use that post to bless other people.The basis for writing the original post was due to my wife and I moving to a new state where I was offered a job.  About a year and a half later we are on the move again and found ourselves going back to the basics of praying over a house.  This time however, God asked us to use a different approach that I felt deserved a follow up post.With moving to a new town comes finding a new church.  One particular Sunday my wife and I planned on going to Church A, but for various reasons we couldn’t make the service that morning.  I still remember sitting at the kitchen counter frantically looking for another church service to attend.  In true God fashion he had everything planned out ahead of time.  We looked at one of the churches we talked about trying next week and sure enough, if we left the house at that very moment we would make it to the other church just in time.The message that particular morning was centered on Exodus 19 which tells of God coming down from Mount Sinai in a dense cloud to speak to Moses in front of the Israelites.  Verses 10 and 11 in particular caught my attention;

Exodus 19 - 10 And the Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow. Have them wash their clothes 11 and be ready by the third day, because on that day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. (NIV)

 As soon as we went through that verse God spoke to me!  He said, “You will do the same for your next house.”  I asked him what specifically I needed to do and he shared with me, “Pray over your new house for 3 days and consecrate it to me.  Do not bring anything into the house during those 3 days.”Sure enough, two weeks later God provided the exact house my wife and I had been praying for and we put in an offer which was accepted the next day.  God is so good and faithful! (The picture attached to this post is the view from our back door)The evening we took possession of the house we grabbed my wife’s father’s old bible and headed out to pray over our new blessing.  We walked around the outside of the house and prayed from Psalms 91, which was a verse recommended by my Grandma because she had used it to pray over her house.  As we made our way into the inside of the house we used the prayer from this website for every room in the house.  Once we covered every room in prayer we then went to the front door and prayed the prayer from the same website and we prayed our own prayers over the house.  We performed these prayers each of the next 3 days.As we were getting ready for the move I kept my eye on the weather to gauge what day/time would work best for the move.  It worked out perfectly to where we could move the day after we finished consecrating the house to God.  The weather looked fantastic with no rain in the forecast.  Later that night I saw flashes of lightening outside and I instantly looked out the window to see a storm coming.  “How can that be, the radar showed no signs of rain in our area?”  I pulled up the radar and sure enough there was a small batch of storms that popped up.I decided to go outside and watching the lightening show when all of a sudden the loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard boomed overhead.  It was so loud the windows were literally rattling and I could feel the reverberation in my chest.  Then God reminded me of Exodus 19:16.

Exodus 19 - 16 On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. (NIV)

God sounded a loud trumpet blast that night to put his seal on my wife, myself, our new house, and the upcoming move.  God is so good!If you are in the market to buy or sell a house I highly recommend going through a similar process as noted above.  Pray over the house through scripture (i.e. Psalms 91) because there is nothing more powerful than God’s word.  And if you have family heirlooms or family scripture (i.e. using my wife’s father’s bible and my Grandma's scripture) that you know works or is spirit filled then please use those as you consecrate anything to God.Please reach out to us here at Paradigm Shift if you need any help or direction with any of this!


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