My Psalm

I love the Psalms.  King David is such a great role model for us Christians.  And do you know the best part of his story?  He wasn't perfect and sinned just like the rest of us.  I've always respected that about God; that he didn't omit the not so glamorous aspects of David's life from the bible (or any biblical character for that matter).  If he did happen to leave that part out, how discouraging would it feel to read the story of David?  King David was shown great favor by God and received so many magnificent blessings throughout his life.  Wouldn't it be hard not to compare your life to David's without feeling the pressure of having to be perfect if we never knew about his affair?  Always remember that anytime you screw up (and yes it happens to every single one of us) don't beat yourself up.  There is nothing virtuous about us beating ourselves up over the mistakes we have made. Sin isn't the end game for the enemy, it is destroying our lives. He tries to turn us away from Jesus by shaming us with the mistakes we have made.I thought it would be fun to take a couple of verses from some of my favorite songs and create a psalm that speaks to me.  I highly encourage you to sit down in a quiet place and blast some of your favorite worship music.  Then just write down some of the words that you connect with and make it your own.  It's amazing to see how God will speak to you in that matter.  I tend to find such peace and a closeness with God when I do that. Here is what God has spoken to me:My source of Strength and my source of hope is in Christ alone.  The power of Christ is in me. No power in hell and no scheme of man can pluck me from his right hand. By the power of Christ I will stand. When darkness seems to hide its face, I rest on his unchanging grace.Life is a journey and we walk by faith. And there will always be mountains in our way.  But recall everything God has done and how we have seen him move.  Greater is the one who is in us, than he who is in the world.Even when the storms are raging, just know you aren't forsaken.  There is a peace in the middle of the storm.  There is no power in hell or any who can stand before the power and the presence of the Great I Am.It's easy to believe when everything goes our way.  But we're all going to go through fires that test our faith.  Life hurts so much that we can hardly breath, begging to know why, but it's such a mystery.  I choose to believe and never give up hope.  God is good, and he is in control.  I'll keep the faith, and trust in his ways.Words of worship rise from within me.  Thoughts to express are so many.  I want to bless you God.  I think of the mercies you have shown me.  Great is your love.I have such gratitude for all that you do.  You're the one that saved me and gave me this life I live.


Following Jesus is not a hobby; It is a mission that defines our existence.


“ What are you doing here? ”