The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed

6a00d83451b96069e20168e58b6269970c-320wiThe Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. - Psalm 9:9

This bible verse is one of the first verses that enters my mind when I am in a difficult season. It has always been comforting to me. Each time I read this verse I am reminded that God is always there for me. God is a shelter, a safe place for those in hardship, distress, anxiety, or discomfort. He is safety from any difficultly that may come my way.I'll never forget when God gave me a different perspective on this verse from what I had in the past. There will always be times and seasons in life that are uncomfortable, or difficult. However, once we are through the difficulties, we always end up better than before. As unpleasant as some seasons may seem, if we do not go through them, would we be where and who we are today? I have found that God often needs us to endure hardship in order for us to truly become who we need to be. In the bible, Job was chosen to undergo very difficult times. God needed him to go through the difficulties so that in the end, Job could become stronger in his faith.Anytime we are in a situation that not going the way that we want it to go, or the way that we imagined it would, we assume that God is not there for us. In reality what is happening is that God is allowing some things in life to be difficult so that we are able to be shaped and molded through them. God will never let us go through more than we are able to handle. He is always there.God is a refuse and stronghold when you are in a difficult season. He will help you through the difficulty, not around it. I encourage you, no matter what it is that you are going through, big or small, give thanks to God today in the situation. Know that God is there for you. Nothing will happen that is not in His plan. Stop believing the circumstances that you are in; instead, increase your faith in God knowing that He is right there with you. In the end, you will see the benefit in the past difficulty and be able to be more used by God.Romans 5:3-5More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.1 Peter 5:10And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 


Faith does not remove fear, it simply allows us to move forward in the face of fear


At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, because in every situation Jesus knelt before His Father.