How would you like to remember 2016?

I am not big into new year resolutions because I don't think I have to wait till the start of a new year to make changes in my life. It is not unusual for me to have goals though. Interestingly, earlier this year I felt the Lord prompt this question on my heart, "How would you like to remember 2016? ".The question struck a chord. It really forced me to consider what things were really meaningful in my life. As I pondered the question three things stood out to me in this specific order:

  • That I walked in and operated in the power of the Holy Spirit
  • That the family and I enjoyed and made many memories
  • That I achieved work goals and took on a new exciting challenge at work

Each time this question has come back to mind, not only am I forced to think about what each thing means concretely but I'm forced to ponder what I should be doing differently right now to see them happen. Is there something I should start doing or stop doing? What should I be doing more of or doing less of?

"Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil" - Ephesians 5:16

Prioritizing my time changes when I think about my three wish things. I ask myself "What would it look like today for me to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit?". I think of boldness to witness, walking in discernment and seeing people get healed. This stirs up a yearning for deeper faith. At other times I ponder "What could we as a family be doing this weekend or month to make some cool memories?" Then I become more intentional about planning some meaningful time with family to really slow down to enjoy those moments.This has also made it a little clearer what I say Yes to and No to. If anything allows me to experience more of those desired 2016 highlights, I say Yes. If not, I'm okay saying No.It is only mid year, but how would you like to remember 2016? Can you take some time to think on this and as you do so think about how differently you may use your time, money and natural abilities the rest of the year?


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