Remember That God is Faithful (Even in Seasons of Lack)

Are you finding yourself in a season lacking faith? You can’t make ends meet. You have been fighting the fight for a long time, and the victory seems to be nowhere in sight. Perhaps you have been holding out for a spouse to start building your life with. Already a tough wait, but you can't even meet someone you are interested in, much less a hopeful life partner. Maybe you have been diligently working your way out of debt, but you feel like you are barely making headway.

"Where are you, God?! What are you doing? Why am I not seeing any progress?"

From where you stand, you can testify that is the God’s-honest truth? Take heart. I would remind you of the wonderful promise in 2 Timothy 2:13: “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”God is inextricably tied to his Son, Jesus the Christ. If you are in Christ, then so He is with you. Once you surrender to Jesus’ promptings on your heart and proclaim faith in His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sin, you are forever alive in God. You are “in Christ” forever. The God of the Universe will ALWAYS be faithful to the promises and covenants He has made to all the people in Christ Jesus.

It is easy to be discouraged following Jesus in a crooked generation where the fight seems to never end. Keep your faith.

There are negative people and ungodly influences that surround us every day. Many of us spent a long time living by the desires of our flesh. Suddenly, Christ plucks us from the muck and the mire, and we realize that we must start building a new life. A life built on The Firm Foundation of Jesus, God’s Word, and His Promises.Then the strangest thing happens. It gets hard. Harder than we ever expected! And it takes longer than we thought to see those promises fulfilled.

Keep reading: 'Are You in a Difficult Season of Life?' »

I say you again: Take heart. God does not work instantly most of the time. Though in our microwave culture, we would rather it be so. God is a God of the generations. Realize that what you are fighting for may not even be about your pleasure and enjoyment today, tomorrow, or even next year. What you are fighting and longing for to allow God’s will to be visible to generations to come. Because of the radical work God does in your heart, you become the mighty oak tree you become to the people around you for His Glory.Look to Proverbs 13:12 NIV. Yes, it’s true that "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when desire (FINALLY) comes, it is a tree of life." parenthesis added.When you see the salvation of God in and through you, the sick heart is gone. The waiting is gone. The longing is gone. There is only flourishing; life, peace, and joy. Keep fighting. Never give up. Even when you lose faith, press on. The one who called you is faithful, and He will do it.


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