It is Time to Remove the Bag!

Some sports fans, most famously the Saints, or Aint’s fans as they were called, would wear bags on their heads when they had to sit through horrible years of minimal success from their team. As a Jaguar fan, I should probably wear one too, but that’s another story for another day. These fans experienced such disgust with their team that they didn’t want to be associated with them in the public eye.Our walk with Christ can become very private if we don’t truly believe who and what our Savior has sacrificed for us. It can be challenging to speak up for Christ in a situation where you know the people around you have no interest in the Gospe. Even Peter denied Christ 3 times after seeing the countless miracles Christ performed in his very presence! As Christians, do we really believe and trust the Gospel message that we say we believe? Are we fans of Christ outside of our friendship with fellow believers and outside of our comfortable church walls? Or do we place our invisible bag over our heads to hide our belief from the outside world for fear of failure or hate? I look back at instances and am embarrassed that I didn’t speak up for Christ and of that I repent and ask for forgiveness, boldness and faith. We speak openly about our sports teams, our children, and the news but tend to shy away from conversation about our Savior. It all comes down to a lack of belief and a lack of faith. The outcome is simple: We have a choice; to speak up for who Christ is and His power or to watch the very people around us that we share life with live without the saving and transforming knowledge of the Gospel.Mark 8:38 - For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”


Lose Yourself...


One at a Time!