Stewardship and Budgets

“I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given a larger offering than any of the wealthy. For the rich only gave out of their surplus, but she sacrificed out of her poverty and gave to God all that she had to live on, which was everything she had.” Matthew 12:43-44

As I think about being a good steward of my finances, this verse always comes to mind. It is humbling yet challenging. It reminds me that God only cares about the heart behind our giving. As I think about living on a budget, I think about this woman. How difficult was it to give everything she had to the Lord?

It may seem like God doesn't see your struggles even when you may be tithing and sacrificially giving. Oh, but He does. He sees you. I don’t necessarily feel qualified to give you financial advice or show you how to live on a budget, but I can tell you my story and how time and time again, God saw me and showed up far above and beyond my wildest expectation. I might live pretty closely from paycheck to paycheck, especially in some seasons of my life, but God has always provided for every one of my needs. It has been fun to count the numerous blessings of his faithful generosity over the years as I live in dependence on Him, no matter what the number is in my bank account.

I encourage you to read Philippians 4:10-23.

To summarize, Paul is thanking the Philippians for their financial generosity to him, even though they have very little to give themselves. He says in all circumstances he has learned to be satisfied and that he knows what it means to lack and he knows what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. He says he is trained in the secret of overcoming all things. When no one else was supporting him, the Philippian church was. He exclaims, I now have all that I need, more than enough, I am abundantly satisfied!  In verse 19 he even states he is convinced that God will fully satisfy every need you have, for he has seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to him through Jesus.

Is this not a beautiful picture of walking with Jesus and saying yes to His plans for you? In my life I have had seasons of plenty. I have also had seasons where I was fundraising for money so I could live overseas to go help with a church plant God had called me to. In every season, I had to take care of what the Lord had entrusted to me. Whether it was little or much.

In that season did I need to be the giver and the blesser to help others financially? Or was I the receiver of many financial blessings? Throughout my journey with the Lord he has provided me with side jobs, second jobs, housing that didn’t make sense, and financial gifts that came out of nowhere. He has promoted me and so often humbled me. I do not always understand the ways of the Lord, but I know He is my good Father and that he wants to give me good gifts. They don’t always come how I expect them but He always gives me the margin to say yes if it is in His plans for me. Through it all I have been blessed by family, friends, and strangers and have gotten to bless strangers that have turned into family.

We are called to live radically and generously. I know, I get so stuck in my day-to-day too. Sometimes it's my month-to-month before I realize I have not been stewarding the precious gifts God has given me.

The good thing about God though, is that He always reminds me that He sees me and knows every one of my needs. He loves you and I would encourage you to open your eyes to your finances and watch to see how God moves in them. Check your heart posture, tithe, and give generously above your tithe. Ask God how you can be a better steward of the good gifts He has given you to impact His Kingdom. What an exciting area to watch God grow your faith and trust in Him!

#tithing #blessing #stewardship #day-to-day #provision


Test Him in This: The Invitation of Tithing


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