If you are always looking for the next season, or trying to stay in the season that just passed, it’s impossible to enjoy the one you are in.

Its nearing the end of Summer here in Florida.  That means hurricane season, but in other parts of the country it means the season changes into Fall.  It happens the same way every year, around September/October, the temperature starts to cool down and in some places the leaves change colors.  While the seasons here in Florida aren’t as defined as other places, they still exist, and they still change.Very similar to the way seasons change on this earth, God has shown me that He begins and ends seasons in our lives all the time.  These seasons look different for different people, but the one thing that remains constant is that God knows when they begin and He knows the perfect time for them to end.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. - Ecclesiastes 3:1

I have a portion of my closet that has long-sleeve shirts in it.  I work off of this side of the closet for a few months out of the year.  But when it gets warm I don’t continue to wear these because I simply like the way they look or because they are comfortable to me, I switch to the short sleeves and shorts because that’s the season that I am currently in.  If you wore a coat in the heat of summer you would probably sweat right through it, or if you decided to wear shorts and a t-shirt in the freezing temperatures of winter…well you get the point.

Related Post: Are you in a difficult season of life?

Similarly, I encourage you not to fight the changing of the seasons in your life.  If God has you in a relationship and He decides to change the season to one of being single, then trust Him and enjoy singleness.  Or if you are single and God tells you to be in a relationship, then embrace that as well!  If He has you in a season of wealth, but changes seasons to one of humility, then trust Him and take joy in the small things.  If you are in a season of waiting, and the season seems to be one of those “never-ending winters” be patient and trust Him and enjoy the time while you are waiting.  If you are always looking for the next season, or trying to stay in the season that just passed, it’s impossible to enjoy the one you are in.

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. - Acts 1:7


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