Seek God Above All

I had this whole post written out about what I thought of serving and success and what that looked like in my corporate America experience.

When it was all said and done, I just felt like what God has to say about serving and success is much more impactful.

Before I get to that though, I do have to say that I know God has called us to be a joy and a bright light in our workplace. That we are not defined by our successes on the job, but ultimately called to serve and love the people who God has placed around us in a radical way.

I was remined recently that God wants us to live enthusiastic lives that have great impact relationally. We serve because our God made the ultimate sacrifice of servitude to us. We are loved and able to love because God first loved us. God just wants our obedient hearts. When we incline our ear to him, he will show us, through his word, how to serve, and along the way, speak words of life that are sweeter than honey and are richer than anything money can buy. Our success cannot be defined through our earthy lives, but only through the eyes of our Heavenly Father.

You say Lord, 

“I don’t define you by status, title, or earthly wealth.”

When I stand before you, you won’t say, “well done good and faithful servant for working long hours for things that are fleeting.”

You will ask, “who did you clothe? Who did you feed in my name?”

You will tell me to look around and see what lives I have impacted with the truth of your gospel. 

You will let me see how that one word of encouragement and moment of being in tune with Holy Spirit made that person feel seen and loved by you. 

I pray you say, “thank you for putting your time and energy into loving my lost kids.”

Will you say, “well done for you created an environment where people had the opportunity to see me through you and in you”?

I want you to whisper my name and say, “well done my child who was fully present. Thank you for seeking me above seeking the approval of man.”

I know Lord, I feel you within me saying, remind them why they are here.  Remind them that I am in all the details of their lives and can do more than they could ever ask, think, or imagine.

You say we are but a mist, here today and gone tomorrow. How will we use our time?

You say, “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.” 

Father, your word shouts, “my children, do all things in love! Store up heavenly treasure for that will be your reward because what you store up here you cannot take with you. Renew your mind, and truly see what is important to me. Do not get lost in the hustle of this world, but relax in me, your true compass north. I will guide your feet along paths of peace. I will give you the words to speak and a sweet melody to sing. You will find joy in the mundane and start looking for me in every interaction and in every conversation. You will see the fruits of your labor and have the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

“So don’t lose heart and don’t give up, for love never takes failure as defeat and never stops loving. Let love be the beautiful prize you are running for, for it is not fleeting, but will be what remains. For love does not fade away nor will it fall silent, and it cannot be forgotten. My love is an all-consuming fire, and it cannot be put out. My humble servants I have called you to serve in love and let your reward in heaven be the success you seek. For you are merely on earth as visitors, and your eternal home is here with me, face to face, shining bright in my glory and surrounded by my great love. Don’t forget your success is defined by me and all I seek is your worship and your praise. My ears long to hear the mighty harmony of my children and my feet eagerly wait to dance in joy of a surrendered heart that whispers my name. Serve and obey me and you will have the success that you seek. A success that is not fleeting and cannot be defined by the human mind. One day when you come home, I will show you what my success within you has bought. A crown of glory and white linen garments. A room prepared just for you. My house full of your brothers and sisters from every nation speaking every tongue. A home with me, filled with perfect peace.”  

“Remember I am the breath in your lungs. I love you. I love you and my greatest success was the creation of you. I served you when I washed your feet and bled for you on that tree. My love for you broke my heart and sentenced me to death, but I overcame the grave! Is there no greater success story? To be in relationship with me, is there no greater love? If you know me and seek me with all that you are and with all that you have, you have found your greatest victory. My children, my children, have ears to hear and eyes to see the truth that will set you free.”

Scripture references:

1 John 4:19

Ezekiel 36:25-27

Matthew 6:19-21

1 Peter 5:4

Revelations 19:14

John 14:2

Galatians 5:22-23

1 Corinthians 13 


Success as True Service


Motivations of the Heart: Love Above ALL