What To Do When You Feel Like God is Silent In Your Life [Podcast]

In the second episode of the Paradigm Shift Podcast, Alex and Tiffanie talk about when God is silent in our lives. You can listen to the podcast through the link above or you can click here to listen directly on iTunes.

Show hosted by Alex Sanfilippo & Tiffanie Butts. Also check out Tiffanie's website at tiffaniebutts.com.

When God is Silent - Show Notes:

Question: Can you share a time in your life felt like God was silent?

I’m actually experiencing that right now. I’m in a transitional season life – I recently started a new job, launched a business, and after a long while – started dating again. These are all things that I’ve been praying about for a couple of years. Throughout that time I’d hear from God regarding those things.I’ve been praying about starting a business for about five years and God has slowly given me direction for that. A year ago he told me, “Not yet.” when I looked into changing jobs. And when it came to starting a new relationship, God has been very clear as to how I should go about it.  However, within the last 7-8 months I feel like I haven’t heard Him say anything.  I’m looking for guidance but all I’m hearing is silence.

Question: How did you respond to this time God being silent?

I hate to admit it, but there was a good amount of doubt. With so many new opportunities I wanted to make sure I was making the right decisions and staying in God's will for my life.  Don't get me wrong, I would still pray and seek God. But at times I let the doubt and worry get the best of me.One thing I would do to stay encouraged is look back on the promises God has given me. I have a journal where I write down all of the promises God has given me and any major revelations I’ve had. For instance, for years I knew I wanted to start a business, but I could never figure out what I was really passionate about. Then, last July, God spoke to me and gave me a name for the business and flooded my mind with ideas.

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Over the last few months, in the midst of learning about entrepreneurship, marketing, and finances (on top of everything else I have going in) it was easy to become discouraged and unmotivated. When that happened, I would encourage myself. I have a quote in my room that I love - it reads "Remember why you started.”

Question: If you could go back, what would you have done differently during this time of God being silent?

Spend more time with God and pray more often. In the midst of all the change I let my priorities shift in the wrong direction.  I spent more time focusing on the opportunities God gave me rather than Him. To change that, I recently completed a fast. I needed to refocus my mind. So, in addition to spending more time reading my bible, praying, and journaling, I also decided to fast from secular music and any TV or Movie above a PG rating.  What we feed our souls effects how we think and act. I made it a priority to only feed my soul with positive, God glorifying things, and it made a huge difference.

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I had a spiritual breakthrough last month and clearly heard God speak to me about my business and relationship. It definitely paid off. God is faithful to meet us where we are when we seek Him whole heartedly.

Question: What wisdom can you share from this experience?

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36A couple of months ago I realized that it doesn't matter if I'm growing my business. Becoming more successful in my career, or starting a new relationship, if I'm not growing in God. It's great to have the desires of our heart become a reality, but if our relationship with God isn't the priority then nothing else matters. If we’re not careful, we can let all the noise and distractions of life drown out the only voice that matters.My advice to all of our listens is this: Regardless of your situation, if you feel like you aren't hearing from God then I would advise you to draw closer to him. James 4:8 says if we draw near to God then He will draw near to us. I recommend you pray and ask God to open your eyes and ears to really see what He's doing and how He's speaking to you. He communicates with us in so many different ways and sometimes we just can't decipher it.

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Remember this –God is never far from you, and He hasn't moved. The Word tells us He will never forsake us. He's faithful to meet us where we are when we seek him first.

Have you ever been through a time when you felt like God was silent? How did you respond? Comment below!


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