Soreness Doesn't Mean it's Broken

So if you hadn't heard, or saw me walking around in a boot over the last two months, I hurt my big left toe about 9 weeks ago.  After I stopped being stubborn for a couple of days and went to get an x-ray I found out it was broken and was told to stay off of it for awhile.  Well this past week I got the green light from the doctor to go back to normal activity.  And if you know me you probably know the first thing I asked if I could do...GOLF!
So this Saturday I went out to the driving range and hit golf balls for the first time in 9 weeks!  I loved being out on the range and enjoyed the atmosphere but let's just say it seemed harder than it was before my injury.  I was out there for about an hour and at the end of the hour I was exhausted and my toe was sore.  That was to be expected after not using a muscle for 9 weeks, when you use it for the first time it's going to be sore.  But I was confident based on the X-ray and the doctors words that it was not broken and couldn't be broken again by playing golf.
When thinking about this it reminded about the times in our life that many of us go through where we may stop reading the bible, or stop praying, or stop going to church, or stop tithing, or stop serving.  Or maybe you have not ever done one or any of these things.  Upon beginning for the first time or starting back after not doing something for a while, it may seem unnatural, uncomfortable or maybe even painful.
James 1:2-4Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
In order for me to fully recover from my broken toe, I have to persevere through the soreness, and continue to work out the muscle I haven't used in a while.  Similar to any rehab,  you must fight through pain, soreness or uncomfortableness to build back up a part of your life that has gone unused or broken for a time.  Don't let any of those things stop you from getting back a function that you once had, or beginning a new one.
I challenge you today to begin rehab on something in your life that has been missing or something you have always striven to accomplish in your relationship with God.  Persevere so you will not be lacking anything!

Set Your Minds On Things Above


Don't be Afraid of Greatness, Embrace It!