Sweet Victory

For a couple of months I have been toying with the idea of creating an open letter to any and all loved ones dealing with chronic pain or a terrible disease.  God really laid it on my heart this week to proceed with that letter, so here it is.  If someone you know is going through a tough time please share this post/blog and feel free to add your thoughts and feelings at the bottom in the comments section for them to see.I love you so very much, even when I may not have shown it.  It kills me to see you going through this.  I try to remind myself that offering a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear does more than I will ever know.  We have cried out to Jesus so many times but he has and will hear every single word.  He holds every tear drop in the palm of his hand until that day when justice is served.I don’t want this sickness to be your identity.  There is no need to apologize for being an inconvenience, bother, Debbie downer, or any other negative adjective.  You’re identity and source of strength is in Christ and Christ alone.   By no means am I saying you aren’t allowed to have a bad day, but just remember Jesus is going through this right alongside you.You are such an inspiration to me.  To see you fighting and battling in the name of the Lord fires me up and motivates me to do the same.  You may not know this but you have more of an impact with your situation then you realize.  Be on the lookout for opportunities to reach out to people and share what Jesus is doing in your life.  God will not allow these circumstances to go to waste if our eyes are fixed on him.I’m so proud of you.  You are one of the most power warriors on the battle field.  The enemy absolutely hates it when people are going through what you are going through and yet still praise his name.  It gives me chills just thinking about it.  Keep fighting the good fight, God will make it more than worth it in the end!Always remember that you are not alone in this.  Jesus has gone before you and he will never leave you.  He is so amazing and joyfully calls you his own!  In the midst of deep sorrow and sleepless nights do not fear!  For the darkness cannot overtake you because you have sweet victory in Jesus Christ!Dear father, thank you for this opportunity to serve this dear friend/loved one of mine.  I thank you for using this current situation to draw us closer together and closer to you.  It is so comforting to know that we already have sweet victory in you, victory that can never be taken away.  I thank you for the healing that has happened so far and thank you for the healing yet to come.  You are so faithful and will walk side by side with us until the bitter end.  I love you father and am beyond blessed to have you as my savior.  Thank you.

2 Corinthians 2:14 - But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him.



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