Why We Should Ruthlessly Eliminate 'Hurry' from Our Lives
Do you often feel rushed, busy, or in a hurry? If so, you probably relate well with a recent Gallup poll that found 61 percent of working Americans feel they don't have enough time to do the things they want to do.
My Real Life Example of “It’s a God Thing”
The words "It's a God thing" can apply to all of our lives at times. My personal, "It's a God thing" moment happened when I lost my job...
How Would Jesus Do Your Job Differently?
What an intense question to ask! "How would Jesus do your job differently?" Have you ever asked yourself this question or even thought about how Jesus would handle situations at your job different from how you do? Here's how answering this question looked for me...
Have Millennials Replaced Religion With Work?
Is it true? Have millennials replaced religion with their work? The millennial generation is changing the world. What should the church do?
The Pursuit of Purpose - How to Discover Yours
It’s the age-old question, what is my purpose in life? Each one of us was created to do more and live a life with purpose.
How to Rest Well: Understanding the Sabbath
In our culture, we are encouraged to work and strive continuously, but in Jesus, we find rest for our spirits as we recognize that He is in control.
Spiritual Promotion (What does Godly Promotion Looks Like?)
No matter where you are, God will always promote you. Spiritual promotion comes from God and he has a change in store for you.
How To Choose What is Better - Worship Over Work
We all have long to do lists, but we get to choose if we will spend our time in worship or working and striving. God longs for relationship with us.