Thankfulness NOT Forgetfulness

There are many times in my life that I allow the world to cause me to forget things.  Something happens, or God comes through for me and busy-ness or the fast paced nature of our current world forces me to move on to the next thing and not focus on what just happened.Think about things you have prayed for, maybe you prayed for it a while back.  When God answers your prayer to you tend to recognize it or not?  We get caught in the trap of moving to the next thing and focusing on something else causing us to forget what we had previously been focused on.Early in my life I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).  In other words I had a hard time focusing on one thing at a time.  If something had the ability to be would 100% of the time distract me.  I had to do things like sit in the front row of every class I was in or make sure it was completely quiet when I was reading. I taught myself how to handle these challenges and ultimately was able to control them to a point I could gain back that focus.I look at the Israelites coming out of Egypt and the things that God did for them.  When I go back to that story I don't think about how much thanks and praise they gave to God, I think about the forgetfulness they had towards what God had accomplished in their lives.  They continually forgot that God has brought them through massive opposition, they were only focused on the next problem.The message today is simple. Don't forget to thank God for things when they happen to you and you have been praying for them.  When times of struggle come and you pray for them, take note of how/why you make it out of them and give credit, praise and thanks to the ONE who is responsible.Philippians 1:3 - "I thank my God every time I remember you."


Living Out The Paradoxes of Christ


Following Jesus is not a hobby; It is a mission that defines our existence.