The Image and Roles of the Holy Spirit

If the Holy Spirit does not lead you, sorry you are a dead person alive! [oops I didn't mean to punch you hard]There was a lot of discussions and debates for centuries, where churches and scholars attempted to fully comprehend the image of the Holy Spirit and describing its role. The early church came to an ultimate understanding of the person of the Holy Spirit and His work; we then inherited these traditions. The early church understood that the Holy Spirit is not a Cinderella of the Trinity or not the last born who is sometimes left behind and talked about less. Or some special agent.The Holy Spirit is from God, is with God and is God.The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity.Within the Christian religious system, there have been many cultures developed and many denominations formed. But one thing that remains constant is God. It does not matter what religion or denomination you identify with; the Trinity has to be at the centre; otherwise, the structure of your denomination/belief is feeble. The Trinity is a system that corresponds to the way God is—established by God to understand God. More like a self-revelation of God; God is revealing himself anthropomorphically on the level of understanding, we can intellectually comprehend and emotionally feel God's presence.

But what is the Trinity?

The Trinity is a triangular bond of three persons: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Now here is one thing many people struggle to accept. Historically both the Son and the Spirit have appeared to be subordinate to the Father. In terms of salvation, they have appeared to be posterior. But from an eternity perspective, the Father, Son and the Spirit are all coequal. They have different roles but are one being. God is one and expresses Himself in three different characters to reveal who He is to us. The Trinity is a type of relationship that benefits us significantly in terms of salvation and our connection with God through different channels exposing His luscious self-expression.So the Father: is a Fundamental being, spiritually as the source of all existence.

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And the Son: is an Expressive being. Bible explicitly reveals this, the same God who existed before the universe came to formation; He wore a human body and entered into humanity (His creation). The mission was to save humanity but more also to reveal Himself to a world that had not seen its source of existence. So God is in the Son to express Himself to us.

Now let's focus on the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ did make it clear that the Holy Spirit is not just a Spirit, but a person. The Holy Spirit is more than that shivering feeling you get in your body or that anxious feeling. The Holy Spirit is not the closest we get to God, but it is God with us and in us [John 14:16-17 NIV].Jesus campaigned for the Holy Spirit in the sense that He didn't want his disciples or the rest of us to believe/feel as if God is far from us. He enticingly reminded them that although he's going for a little while He will return, not physically but in Spirit. When Jesus said 'I am in the Father, and the Father is in me' and he added that he would send the 'Spirit of Truth' [God is Truth] He meant, He and the Father including the Holy Spirit [Spirit of Truth who is God] is one.

The Image...

Therefore in case you were still wondering what the image of the Holy Spirit is, the image of the Holy Spirit is God, and the person of the Holy Spirit is God. So when we call upon the Holy Spirit of God in us, we are invoking God and His mighty power to come to dwell with us and in us.So what happens when the Holy Spirit of God [Who is God] comes to us and dwells within us? He does not just come to complement our religious status, nor does he come to satisfy our spiritual pride. He comes to play a vital role. God desires for you to take responsibility for the greatest gift He has given you which is life. But He knows you can't handle it yourself, so He comes to play a pivotal role to assist you to carry your life (gift) forward.So Jesus reveals the role of the Holy Spirit in John 14:16-17 & v25-16 and John 16:7-15[I would suggest you read these scriptures to understand the contents below]


The role of the Holy Spirit is:


He Supports us in life. He holds your hand, so you don't fall._Helping you in your weakness._Helping you with your family.Makes things a lot easier for you.Romans 8:26 NIV


He teaches you the word of God [beyond the scriptures and what your pastor says]Makes you understand the deep meaning behind scriptures [Personalized meaning of the scripture]Preaching to you [the only preacher you listen is the voices in your head, so He becomes that voice]_Teaching you to love._Teaching you how to forgive._Teaching you how to live life for God._Teaching you how to raise your family._Teaching you how to live with people._Teaching you how to avoid mistakes.John 16:8-11 NIV


The voice of guidance that speaks in you [in your heart and mind - by providing directions]When we can't see forward, He makes a way.When there is confusion, He provides a solution.When we are lost, He finds us.John 16:13 NIV


Reminding you about God._Reminding you to follow God._Reminding you to return to God._Reminding you to leave all the wrongs and chase after God._Reminding you to stop sinning and return to God [with conviction, not guilt]._Reminding you that you are a child of God._Reminding you that God loves you so much._Reminding you that there is nothing wrong with you.John 14:26 NIV


_Revealing God's secret to you._Revealing God's mystery to you._Telling you what is in the heart & mind of God._Ears Dropping to conversations of God and Jesus then comes to reveal it to you.John 16:13 & v15 NIV


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