The Relationship That Completely Changed My Life

In my early twenties, I had the revelation that it was time for some things to change in my life. I was a "Christian," but I was certainly not living for God. I wanted to change that. So, I began to change my habits and lifestyle. All the changes that I was making were for the better, and I could see that. I had (finally) started living a Christian lifestyle. Everything seemed to be going great!

Well, everything except for one thing...

As I was making these changes in my life, I lost most of my friends. This wasn't a bad thing; many of them were destructive friendships. They were leading me further from God, not closer. I knew there was no way I could continue hanging out with the same people if I planned on changing my lifestyle. But I couldn't help but feel lonely.

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Yes, I was very lonely. I couldn't go back to hanging out with the same people without reverting to my previous lifestyle. I hadn't met anyone at the church I was attending. Most days, I felt like I had no one to turn to when I needed a friend. I didn't know how long I would be able to resist turning back to my old ways.Thankfully these feelings didn't last long. Early one morning, I realized that there was someone there. Someone who had been there all along.

That person is Jesus. This is the relationship that changed my life completely.

As I grew in my Christian faith, I fell more in love with Jesus and became completely content with Him being my only friend at that point in my life. He was more than enough for me.Today I'm blessed with many close friends. I met many of them through small groups and my local church. Yet, even with these close friends in my life, my mindset has remained the same. If I have Jesus, then I have all that I need. The principle found being this truth is this:

The foundation of a Christian lifestyle is having a personal relationship with Jesus.

If you are in a place that you do not have many life-giving friendships (right now), don't let it bring you down! Instead, trust God right where you are. Begin to strengthen your faith and relationship with Him. Begin pursuing your relationship with God above all else. Decide in your heart that Jesus is all you need.

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Jesus loves you more than you will ever know. Your relationship with Jesus can be more fulfilling than you could ever imagine. If you are feeling like I was, doing your best to live for God but missing friendships, press into Jesus like never before. He's waiting for you.

Jesus is the relationship that changed my life forever. I will never be the same because of the closeness I have with Him. My prayer for you today is that you discover the unique relationship that Jesus wants to have with you as well.


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