The Trust of a Child Has No Boundaries

I’ll sometimes pause to observe student behavior at work to see how they react in a certain situation or atmosphere. One thing about children is that they trust those who are responsible for them without any boundaries. They love without any limitations and often understand it better than adults. If a teacher tells or asks a child to do something, they usually respond in hopes of pleasing the adult. It is also pretty clear to see this begin to fade away as children become older and start learning negative behaviors from allowing the world to be their teacher.Luke 18:17 ESV says, “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” Assuredly is defined as “without a doubt.” Therefore, without a doubt we should receive the kingdom of God and follow His ways as a child follows the ways of their caretaker.

We often see that children are a reflection of what they have learned or been exposed to throughout their childhood.

We all had a caretaker in our lives that helped develop who we have become today. Whether it was positive or negative, they provided an image of what integrity, character, respect, and other behavioral actions looked like.

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These people are special in our lives but there is another caretaker that provides a perfect example of how we should live this life on Earth. Jesus shows us how to live a life that is pleasing to Him and provides a purposeful life. All we have to do is turn to Him and approach him with childlike faith that trusts Him without any boundaries.It may not always look how we envision it, but it looks just like He envisions it. This is far more life giving than we can give ourselves.Challenge: Let’s all work towards letting go of our way and grabbing hold of God’s way. This is our excuse to be a child again; to receive the blessing of God.Jeremiah 29:13 ESVYou will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


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