How the Weak and Foolish Win (What to Do When You Feel Underestimated)

It must have been December 2013. It was like any regular evening when a I got a text from an old college roommate. He told me there was a video I had to check out on YouTube. Not wanting to feel left out I jumped online. What could it be?What does the Fox Say? Yup! What Does the Fox SayI was humming those very words in laughter after watching the video over and over again years ago.  No doubt this was going to go viral. What's the catch?It's amazing how this catchy video with no pre-planned hype, gets a life of its own. The music business doesn't script a hit this way. If you want to get a song to number six on Billboard Hot 100 for three consecutive weeks releasing it with no promotion seems to be a foolish strategy. Or is it?

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Weak and Foolish Things Can Pack a Punch (In God's Hands)

Jesus's ministry is worth assessing using this criteria.  It's intriguing that Jesus never self-promoted Himself or His ministry. There was never any announcement that went ahead of an event.Nothing in scripture alludes to what we liken to an event promotion.  Instead, he seemed to scare the crowds away (Check out John 6 vs. 53 and 66). Somehow, God made much of what seemed too little or ineffective to man. That little ministry gave birth the body of believers as we know it today.

"But, God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong" - 1 Corinthians 1:27 NIV

How comfortable are you when doing what seems foolish to men? When obeying God, it's always a good day for the weak and foolish to win!

Could God be calling or moving you to act in a way that seems weak to the world, but be very inline with His will? Yes! It will take faith, but the beauty of it all is that only God can take the glory from the outcome. He doesn't leave any room for anyone else to boast.  Step out and be bold even at the risk of looking weak or foolish.


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