Are You Thirsty? [We All Thirst For Something]

The truth is, we are all thirsty. We all have a longing desire in our heart for something greater. Before coming to know Christ in a personal way, I always tried to satisfy myself with the next greatest thing; the next trip to the bar, the next joint, the next personal achievement, etc.When faced with countless worldly options, it is pretty easy to satisfy that longing in the heart for a moment. It is all about getting caught up in the next moment until one day, it just runs out.

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Just like the woman at the well, who was coming to the well to draw water to fulfill her physical need, and Jesus was waiting to satisfy her every need. This woman had five husbands. She was seemingly trying to satisfy her needs with different men. And the unexpected arrival of Jesus (who was a Jew encountering a Samaritan woman) was waiting to share Himself and the gift of eternal life with her.He is waiting on us to make a move. He is jealous for us all and wants to establish personal relationship with us.

Everyone is thirsty, or has a thirsting desire and longing in their hearts.

The people we see everyday that don’t know Jesus have a longing in their hearts. When I stray from seeking Jesus there is still a desire in my heart. I think back to when I didn’t have a personal relationship with Christ. Back to when I said I knew Christ but only because it was the appropriate thing to say. It was a front only to put out a certain image to the people closest to me. However, I got sick of chasing something that never existed.

Psalm 20:4 NIV – May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.

Ultimately with all that mindless chasing, I finally paused long enough to hear God speaking to me and calling me to follow Him. The day came where I was thirsty and nothing could fulfill me anymore.I was dehydrated; both from the over indulgent of alcohol the next morning and the need for Jesus.

John 4:13-14 NIV - Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”


For those that have accepted Jesus, God wants to shine His light through you to help a thirsty generation. Share the love with someone. We can share our past hurts because we know the love of Christ and how He has resurrected our once dead life.


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God's Divine Intervention and Healing