A run through the woods that turned into a reminder to be thankful

This past weekend I was able to get out of Florida to go spend some time with my family in South Carolina. While I was there, I decided to go for a run through some paths that my family had made through the woods on their property. As I was running I stopped for a few minutes to pray. (Yes, I needed a break.)As I was praying, I was reminded of how beautiful the woods are. Nothing around me was created by man. Everything was made directly by God. As I stood their quietly looking around at all of the trees and bushes noticing the unique detail of each of them; it really put some things in perspective for me! In this moment, God brought a bible verse to my mind.

"God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." - Genesis 1:27

Leading up to this verse in the bible God mentions everything else He created, and nothing else was made in His image. This means that God spent the most time on creating the human race and that we are His masterpiece!

Related Post: You Are God’s Masterpiece

Even though I was surrounded by all of this beauty, I knew that God cared more for me than any other creation in those woods that day. What a beautiful revelation and thought! It made a lot of my worries and concerns in life seem so small. I encourage you to read Matthew 6:26-34.When was the last time you stopped just to thank God for creating you and giving you life?I want to encourage you to stop running for a moment. Slow down and reflect on your life from the perspective of what God has blessed you with. Take time to thank God for your life! No matter what you are facing; good or bad, every day is a blessing from Him. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says that we are to give thanks in all circumstances.As you read this today, my prayer for you is that you find your own moment that reminds you to be thankful for your life; much like the moment that I had on my run through the woods.


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