Today's Decisions Chart The Course For Future Generations

We are all making decisions every day. Many of us make our decisions based on self-centered priorities. We prioritize comfort, opportunity, and lifestyle. Such values are now embedded into the culture of America and much of the western world and thus your own value system.Have you paused in the rat race long enough to look at the path you are paving for your children and your children's children?

All decisions have consequences. Therefore, every decision you make matters.

I decided a long time ago that I would put God first in my life. Although I have not always lived that choice out perfectly, I have stayed the course. Early on in my walk with Jesus, I knew that I was charting a new course for my future family. It has been a long road but worth every second of it. I wouldn't trade it for the world.But what are you making your decisions based on? What value system and priorities are you basing your life on? I know many well-meaning Christians whose lives look remarkably like non-Christians. I wonder where that path goes?The Scriptures declare that without vision, the people will perish. If you are not excited about your future, perhaps it is time you asked God to give you a vision for the future He has planned for you.

Related Post: Inspire a Shared Vision

One of the most often quoted Scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11. God declares He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. Does that stir your heart to the excitement, or are you complacent, thinking that is for everyone else? Does your lifeline up with that beautiful promise of God? Or will your life look the same in 5 years as it does right now? What about 20 years from now? Do you have a vision for your home and your family? Or are you on the merry-go-round of normality, desperate for change?

Change is available to you. It is found in the Kingdom of God.

The power of God is available to you through faith in Jesus Christ. In the Kingdom, you are one prayer away from a new life. Pray that God would show you the plans He has for you. Begin the vigorous work of blazing a new trail for your children and their children anew.A quick warning: God doesn't just hand over everything on a silver platter. The most unquoted verse in the bible might be Jeremiah 29:13.

"You will find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Fight back the demon of apathy and boredom this week. Dare to believe that your life can make a difference. If you do not like your life, upbringing, your past, declare that this madness ends with you. DECIDE that you will pioneer a new line in your family tree.Stand on God's Word, His covenants, and His promises. Build your life and your family's life on the solid ground of Jesus Christ. The generations that come after you will praise God that you did.


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