True Beauty

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Have you ever heard that saying? I guess that this means that what might be attractive to one person, may not necessarily look attractive to another. This is mostly what the world thinks of when the word beauty is used. “Is she pretty?” “How does she look?” These are the type of questions we ask.I asked a few people how they would define beauty, true beauty. I got some amazing responses. True beauty is about having a pure heart and inward joy and that this inward joy, reflects outwardly, making the person look more beautiful. That’s deep. Another very wise lady said that true beauty is who someone is on the inside. This is when one is true to themselves and does not let others define them.The other response were numerous. One I got was someone being unapologetically themselves. Beauty is based on a person’s perception; everyone sees beauty differently. Someone on social media shared this with me as well: God never created anything for the purpose of beauty, but everything that God created is beautiful. Still, another shared that beauty is the boldness in treating people with love and being fearless and willing in your pursuit to do this.

A View Distorted

The world we live in and more specifically the evil one has distorted the idea/perception of beauty. Some women are extremely obsessed with their looks, going to the extremes of plastic surgery and intense diets to lose weight. Still, the other extreme is some women who reject beauty because it has caused more pain than anything else. These women hide their beauty or cover it up with baggy clothes and embrace a more rugged, "don’t care" attitude.Which reflects true beauty then? Either one or neither one? Beauty has been distorted by media and society. We look at what Hollywood shows us or what we see on music videos, and we feel less than worthy. We feel as if we could never be that, and this causes us to lose heart, to lose confidence, to lose our identity, and to lose our true beauty.

Related Post: Do You Really Know Who You Are?

Which brings me back to the same question, so what exactly is true beauty? In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:11 Solomon writes, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity in their hearts…”God does not make bad things, he is not the originator of bad/ugly things. For us to doubt ourselves, means to doubt what God has created us to be.One of my friends also shared this with me, beauty is freedom and those who are free are always beautiful.

Beauty All Around

Beauty can be seen in a sunset, as much as it can be seen in a sunrise (depending on if you are a morning or a night time person ha!). It is in the sun’s rays as it can be seen in the soft glow of the moon. Beauty is in a little child’s glowing face, and even in the smartness of an older lady, carrying herself with elegance. Beauty is a newly married couple, swooning over each other in the aftermath of their wedding. Yet this beauty can also be seen in an older couple, with a husband supporting his frail wife, as they walk together. Beauty is when a little child runs up to you kisses you on the cheek for no reason. Still, beauty is when a friend does something kind for you.Beauty is not just in the physical. It is a heart- thing. It can be in the way that something or someone makes you feel. Beauty is truth, living out your truth without attempting to gain others acceptance or approval.

In 1 Peter 3:3-4 NIV we read, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

True Beauty Is Bigger Than Us

True beauty is like the Alps. It does not demand to be admired to be beautiful; it is just there, in a state of existence.True beauty is a quiet confidence in something greater than yourself and your appearance.

Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30 NIV

Enjoy this profound video, of Alessia Cara performing "Scars to Your Beautiful." I trust that it will bless you.


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