Deep Down, Being of Value is Something We All Desire

At the end of the day we all want to be valued, right? Whether we want to be considered a valuable employee, a valuable partner, a valuable person in our friend group… Being valued feels good. But what happens when we look to find our value and self-worth in things of this earth instead of the value that God places on us?Every now and then I catch myself looking for value in things and people.This is not the way I should be looking for value. To be honest, none of us should be looking for value in things of this earth. If I can be honest, I know, in the past, I have looked to secure my value in other people, in relationships, amongst the crowds of people I associate with, and even my parents.  Although I love each of these groups of people, they do not determine who I am. Looking to someone other than God for your value will always, always end horribly.When we are able to value ourselves with the foundation of truth God speaks over us, we will flourish. It's about being ok and happy with who you are that will shine through to other people to love you exactly for who you are.  Love you in the space you are currently in. Your net worth doesn't determine your value and neither does your debt. Appearances, designer clothes, shoes, and handbags don't determine your value. Who you are in a relationship with does not determine your value.  Who you know doesn't even make you valuable.  Your significant other can't even value you in the way our Father does. Who you are in the eyes of your Heavenly Father is your value.  If you don't know what He says about you... dig into the Word!Related Post: Jesus Saw Something in Each of us that Made it Worth Dying for.The value God places on your life is greater than any recognition or position any person on this earth can give you.Even in high school and throughout my college years, I was the popular one. I’ve always been the loud and happy one. It’s part of my DNA. In my corporate job, I am no different; still loud and bubbly. My church family can tell you the exact same thing as well.  What allows me to be exactly who I am is knowing that the opinions of other people do not matter.Since you are precious and honored in my sight,and because I love you,I will give people in exchange for you,nations in exchange for your life. Isaiah 43:4 NIVWhen I started to find my self-worth rooted in my Heavenly Father, I started thinking more highly of myself. I would not allow other people to dictate how I act, how I feel, or control my emotions.  I let go of those things and looked to Him.However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.  Acts 20:24 NIVOur self-talk is critical. It determines how we see ourselves and how we portray ourselves to others.  When you value yourself first, others will.  No one will love you more than how you love yourself in the eyes of God. God does not hate you; He's not mad at you. He loves you, and His grace is sufficient.  There's no need to try to impress anyone.I realize that my purpose on this earth is far greater than the purpose people may want me to have.  Your purpose is no different. Trust in your Heavenly Father to guide you in the purpose he has for you.  Not the purpose of others.


My Response to the Facebook 10 Year Challenge


Jesus Died so You Can Have Healthy Relationships