Committed to Goodness

God is good, worthy of admiration and when He morally demonstrates His goodness it is His love.

God was so ‘committed to goodness toward humanity’ that He gave His only begotten son …John 3: 16. The immense love of God is so relentless and is the reason for our existence.

God’s goodness is the bedrock of scripture, the core of who God is [Exodus 33: 19] and His working amongst humanity. Human goodness is modelled on this divine nature of the God who created us.

The church is likened to the bride of Christ. He pursues us, we come to Him and we commit to Him. He affirms His commitment to us though salvation. In natural terms commitment always produces fruit as in a marriage where children are produced. A result of our commitment to God is that the Spirit Himself produces goodness in us as an off spring of our walk with God. [Gal 5:22]

Therefore, our commitment to God’s love, produces a goodness in us. Being mindful that this is not by our own human effort but as a consequence of a genuine giving of ourselves to Him who loved us first.

Friends, this is just a reminder that you have an in born nature of goodness and your role is to outwork it in the everyday life you live. Your ability to love and express this goodness is supernatural. Don’t let anyone tell you any different, you are inherently committed to goodness in every aspect of life.

Goodness is beyond alignment with morality, it is Love expressed and in action. It is a nature and a being that comes with being a child of God. It is our spiritual DNA and heritage.

Goodness to yourself and others comes from the love of God that is shed abroad in your heart by the holy spirit and is a permanent dwelling that empowers you to be faithful to your commitment.

Being committed to goodness is eternal. It goes beyond this fading space we presently dwell in and is a glimpse of the redemptive future we are promised in Christ. While we say ‘til death do us part’ in our marriage union vows which is the model of a permanent commitment, I rejoice in the assurance that there will never be a parting from this commitment to God and his goodness. There will be a graduation into a greater goodness in heaven.

But while we are on earth we are so committed to goodness that in a passage of scripture we hear psalmist saying: His goodness and mercy will chase us ALL the days of our lives.

May this be a statement of assurance and a truth that we are committed to goodness which is the love of God expressed.

Primary Scriptures:

Matthew 22: 37-40

Galatians 5: 22

Philippians 4: 8

Other scriptures:

Exodus 33: 19

Exodus 34:6

Psalms 16:2

Psalms 23:6

Psalms 27:13

Romans 2:4

Romans 11: 22

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