What Does Your Work Ethic Say About Your Faith?

At the beginning of this year God challenged me to live out Colossians 3:23 NIV in a way I never have before. I've always had (what I consider) to be a great work ethic. However, God isn't solely concerned with how we do things, but also why. Working as unto the Lord starts in you mind and heart - it's an attitude. You can work hard with the wrong intent - to be glorified by people. To work as for the Lord means that your motive isn't human recognition or financial gain, it's pleasing God.Can God trust you with the things your praying for based on the way your handling what's He's already given you?

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,  since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. - Colossians 3:23-24

It's About the Heart

Working as unto the Lord, giving your all to whatever job He's placed you in is an act of worship. You may not like your job, but since you revere God you put your best foot forward. No one likes a complainer or a liar. We can't say we're thankful for our jobs (the ones God provides) and then spend five days of the week complaining. God has been gracious to each of us, but are we being grateful in return?

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It's Not Just About You

What does this look like? It means being led by the Holy Spirit and walking in the fruit of the spirit. Practically, not intentionally slacking off when you should be working or taking unauthorized breaks. It means not participating in workplace gossip, being kind to your boss even when they throw you under the bus, and not tearing down your colleagues by participating in workplace gossip.As Christians, we imitate Christ. Therefore we are servants, of our co-workers, customers, and bosses. We serve them like Christ serves us.  We have to remember that at all times our actions are either proving or disproving our faith in God. When people find out you're a christian they will watch your actions to see if you actually live what you believe. I've experienced it for myself.   When your actions back up the teaching of Christ, you become a living testimony, one God can use to show others his power and love.

You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. - 2 Corinthians 3:3 NIV

It's Part of Your Development

Our jobs are another tool God uses to develop us into the image of Christ. Will we be faithful to do all of our duties, even when we feel underpaid? Or will we quit the moment things get difficult? God could be teaching you how to persevere in adversity and not let your circumstances dictate your response.  Or maybe your the only saved person in your department and God's showing you how to love others where they are and be a light in a dark place.Everywhere God places you is a part of your ministry. He's entrusted you to this job for a reason and season. It's not purposeless. It may not be what you want to do forever, but it's where God wants to something in you and through you right now. It's your choice if you'll let Him. If you waste this season, or live it out to it's full potential.


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