What If Your Plans Don’t Succeed? [How to Submit to God]

The question I want to pose is this, “What if what you want doesn’t happen? What if the goals you are working towards don't succeed?” Will you blame God?I remember reading an article about finding God’s purpose for your life. As I scrolled down and read the comment section I came across one that saddened me. A man (presumably in his late thirties or forties) was discussing how his greatest dream in life was to become an attorney. He studied for the Bar exam and prayed to God, but he failed. He re-took the test ( I can’t remember how many times) but continued to fail. Now he's upset with God. He couldn’t understand why God would let that happen.I had a personal experience with my own plans not working out as well. Three years ago I was living in south Florida and had grown to completely hate my job. After six months of enduring my 50 hours a week job I finally decided to look for another job in south Florida. I applied to almost 70 jobs in a four month period, but I didn’t get a single call back. I didn't understand. What I wasn’t aware of at the time is that God’s plan for me was to leave south Florida, but that was the last thing I wanted.

Related Article: God-sized Dreams vs. Man Sized Dreams

We all have hopes, dreams, and plans for our life – but so does God. When we decide to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and surrender our life to God there is a good possibility that our will and God’s will for our lives will conflict (probably more than once).

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. – Proverbs 19:21

Now this isn’t to say that that God’s love leaves us or that He is ashamed of us because we have a differing plan from His. God’s love is unconditional; it's not based on any works that we do. However, in order to walk in the fullness of all God has for you and live out your God given purpose to its fullest potential you will have to surrender your will. You may have to let go of a dream you’ve held on to for a long time. But I assure you that what God has for you is worth it. He made you, He knows you. Do you trust him?

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9

By all means set goals and work hard. I’m not saying you should give up when things get hard or doors of opportunity close. Just make sure that you are involving God each step of the way. God’s word and the Holy Spirit will guide you and let you know what to do. Surrendering to Jesus as Lord of your life means surrendering to Him as Lord of your career, relationships, academics, and health.In 2014, leaving south Florida felt like the wrong thing to do. For three months after I left I continued applying for jobs down there. I wanted to move back. Eventually, I did get a job offer, but when I prayed about it I knew I needed to turn it down.Fast forward three years, I can tell you that leaving was the best thing for me. God has placed wonderful people in my life where I live now; I would never have met them if I’d stayed. These relationships have led me to amazing opportunities including writing for this blog and traveling to abroad. My current job is literally everything I prayed for. I’m glad I stepped out on faith and trusted God even when it wasn't what I wanted because it was more than worth it.


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