"Who am I?" Three Answers About Your Identity That Can Change Your Life

The question, "Who am I?" is one that I have struggled with for an extremely long time. I believe that most of us have struggled with this same question at one point or another in our lifetime. Living in a world that teaches us the opposite of what our heart should already know makes it especially heart to know the answer to this question.In today's society, beauty is valued above wisdom, to be known as "hot" is better than to be known as a "beautiful person" inside and out.You are told to be unique but once you finally are, others torment you for not being a part of the worldly “mold”. For many years, I fell into that trap, believing that my identity was my appearance or how others thought of me was the way I would be identified. When I would have a friendship breakup or perform poorly at a job, there was an internal struggle that would have never seemed to end. Until the day I found my true identity in Jesus Christ.Who am I? Three Keys to Understanding Your True IdentityYeah, okay Kristy. I hear this all the time, but what does that even mean or have to do with answering "Who am I?"

Let me show you.

Let’s look at the very first book of the Bible, Genesis. In the beginning, God created everything; I mean everything! He spoke the sun and stars into existence. He spoke the earth and the Heavens into life! However, when God created man, He made him with His own hands.

  • Think the stars are incredible?
  • Think the ocean is amazing?

He spoke both into existence, but with you, my friend, God created you and I with His bare hands; and to add more to it, in His own image!

"God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." - Genesis 1:27 NIV

We weren’t thrown together like a last-minute school project. God created an amazing environment because He valued our lives so much. He created this entire universe, only to give you Heaven on Earth.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” - Psalm 139:14 NIV

Who am I?

1. Identity in Christ: Fearfully and wonderfully made in the Image of the Great I AM.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul states "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." When I accepted Christ into my life, I was made new. I was made whole. Jesus Christ took away all the sins of, not only my past, but also my present, and my future. If you accept Jesus, He can do the same for you.

2. Identity in Christ: I am a new creation in Christ, perfected in the eyes of God.

Jesus is the healer. From the Old Testament to the covenant of the New Testament, God has given us a Savior to renew our hearts, minds, and souls. To give us everlasting life, to take us out of servitude into the lives of Heirs to the Kingdom of God. James 2:5 "Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love Him?"

3. Identity in Christ: I am an heir to the kingdom of the most High God!

As I turned to my new identity, I realized that, unlike the cares and pleasures of this world, my identity in Christ is everlasting. These 3 identities I listed are just a few grains of sand on God’s beach compared to all that God has in store for each and every one of us. God has even more for us, as revealed through His Word, than we could imagine!

Related Post: Your identity lies with Christ, not with your imperfections

I want you to read this declaration below as you go on to conquer today and realize your question no longer is “who am I?”, but a declaration of freedom knowing “who I am!”

Declaration of Freedom

My name is (Your name) and from this day forward, I will declare "who I am" instead of asking "who am I". For I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. I am a new creation in Jesus Christ and perfected in the eyes of my Heavenly Father. I am an heir to the kingdom of God. The Bible says I am a friend of God (John 15:15). I am a warrior in God’s army fighting daily for the people around me. I am a Godly (man or woman) on the road to self-discovery in Christ, a road that will continue throughout my entire lifetime with many more identities given to me by my Almighty God! In Jesus name I declare - Amen!


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