Why God Can Never Be Over-Appreciated

Within the last couple of weeks, my three-year-old daughter has begun giving me large hugs and telling me how much she loves me. I'm not entirely sure why she's starting this gesture of admiration, but she does it at least once a day. At her age though, she can't possibly fathom all the things I do for her. And yet, she still gives her little heart out in appreciation for me.

How much more should we, as cognizant adults, be thankful to our heavenly father for all that he does and has done for us?

Isaiah 64:8 - O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. (ESV)Psalm 18:2 - The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. (ESV)

Admiration and Awe

Though I give glory to God every chance I can remember, I was placed in total awe of God's power during some encounters while on vacation recently. The encounters are listed below:

  • While driving to our destination, my wife and I got run off the road by an eighteen-wheeler. We ended up perfectly fine—not even a scratch.
  • During lunch one day, we observed a man who was missing both legs above the knee. Whatever happened to him could have happened to us.
  • In conversation with an older gentleman, he shared that his large intestine was removed years ago due to e. coli contaminated peanut butter.
  • En route to a play, we came across a homeless man who was begging on the streets. How easily we could have been homeless during our lives.

Related Post: 3 Biblical Steps for Developing a Mindset of Thankfulness

Those are just the things I noticed. There are countless activities that God orchestrates in our lives that most of us never notice. As an act of love, I want to begin taking more notice of God's grace in my life. There are invisible miracles that take place every day that I don't fully appreciate.And while a goal of increased admiration won't help or hurt of one's salvation, God appreciates all admiration from his children—young and old.


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