Jesus Over Everything: Living on Purpose

Have you ever thought about putting Jesus over everything and living your life on purpose? Or maybe, you are not sure what that would look like?

The statement "Jesus over everything" reflects a deep commitment to prioritize a relationship with Jesus and model His teachings to the world. It is only through a relationship with Jesus, that a deep sense of fulfilment can take place and transform our lives.

Jesus is the embodiment of love, compassion, and forgiveness, and His teachings provide guidance and wisdom for navigating life's challenges.

By choosing to put Jesus over everything we prioritize our relationship with Him above our own desires, ambitions, and worldly pursuits. It means seeking His will and following His teachings, even when it goes against societal norms or personal preferences. It involves surrendering our own plans and submitting to His divine plan for our lives. When we submit, we are essentially allowing Him to shape our thoughts, actions and decisions and trust in His provision and guidance.

As Christians we are called to be a light for others. We cannot keep putting off living the life we are called to, because we are too busy, too tired, or even too afraid of what others think. The best time to be the hands and feet of Jesus is now, in everyday life.  

I am not talking about radical change, but simple steps that we can take to build on deepening our relationship with Him. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you also have the Holy Spirit that dwells in you, meaning that you are a work in progress and a projection of Jesus, including His grace, compassion, love, mercy, and forgiveness.

Putting Jesus at the center of daily life doesn't mean overtly evangelizing or imposing your beliefs on others. It's about embodying your faith through your actions, attitudes, and interactions, creating a positive and Christ-like influence towards those around you.

Be spirit filled.


A few weeks ago, my friend and I ordered a pizza online. When we got to the store, we were greeted by a staff member that was not in the best mood to say the least. We were told that the computers were down, and it could be at least 30 minutes or even three hours before they were back up. We stood there for a few minutes, I believe my friend was contemplating why we were going through this when we had already paid and couldn’t get our food let alone an immediate refund. In this moment I felt the same, but then I felt the Holy Spirit move in me. I said to my friend and the staff member we were going to sit and wait. The staff member thought I was crazy, and my friend gave me a weird look, which is when I whispered to her, ‘let’s sit and pray’. We sat and again my friend looked at me and said, ‘you are crazy to be praying for pizza’. But that was not the intent of my heart. Instead, the intent was to pray for the lady that greeted us. I sat there and prayed aloud, that this lady would be shown God’s favor and have His peace poured down on her. I didn’t know if she was a believer, but I was obedient to the call in the moment.

After I finished praying it was only moments later that the computers began working. I was able to communicate to the staff member before we left that I only chose to sit so I could pray over her for peace. Her whole attitude changed towards us, suddenly we were no longer just customers waiting for something she was not able to provide, but instead we were people who cared about her, that we were for her and not against her during the chaos. Long story short, I saw her a week later in another store, she had the biggest smile on her face when she saw me and even remembered my name, thanking me again for the prayer.

 For me this was a Jesus over everything moment. I don’t write this to boast but to provide a real-life example that when our hearts are in the right place and we are led by the Holy Spirit, people’s lives can be impacted.


“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” -- James, 1:22-26


Your faith journey should be a reflection to bringing you closer to Jesus and align with His principles of love, service, and making a positive difference in the world.

Your purpose is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. By keeping Jesus at the center of your purpose, you can lead a life that is not only meaningful but also deeply rooted in faith and service to others.

By placing Jesus at the heart of your service, you can find a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in your charitable actions, knowing that you are following in His footsteps and spreading His love to those in need.

Ultimately, putting Jesus over everything is a daily choice and commitment. It requires a willingness to let go of our own desires and submit to His will. By doing so, we experience the fullness of life that comes from living in alignment with the will of God.


Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing, and perfect will. -- Romans 12:2


Jesus calls us to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. By following His example, we can make a positive impact on the world around us and contribute to the well-being of others. Jesus teaches us to prioritize relationships, seek justice, and care for the marginalized, which gives our lives meaning and significance.


Here are a few examples of ‘how’ you can further your relationship with Jesus:

·        Sharing your faith through actions and when appropriate by words

·        Applying Biblical based values and principles to your work

·        Seek guidance from like-minded followers of Christ in difficult decisions

·        Seek God’s guidance, taking time for introspection and prayer

·        Align with Jesus teaching…read your Bible each day

·        Are your motives driven by the desire to honor and serve Jesus?

·        Maintain humility and demonstrate gratitude

Putting Jesus first is a lifelong journey, and it's okay to have moments of struggle or doubt. What matters is your commitment to continually seek a deeper relationship with Him and align your life with His teachings and values.

Remember putting Jesus over everything is a daily choice and commitment to be in a relationship with Him in order to live on purpose.


Father God,

It is my prayer for each person reading this post to be fully surrendered to a life that embodies Christ at the center. That you Lord may open our eyes to the beauty and truth of the promises you made to us in the Bible and as shown through the sacrifice that Jesus made for each one of us. Thank you for your promise that if we draw near to you, you will draw near to us. Help us to put Jesus over everything and live an on-purpose life. Thank you for the perfect love and peace you have brought to us through your son Jesus.

It is in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


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