Do you ever think to your self, "that's not possible" or "I cant do that"?Maybe people in your life speak those things around you.  There are people in my life that tell me things cant be done all the time.  Its frustrating and takes the energy out of anything I am trying to accomplish, but its not factual, its only one person's opinion.  Those things only come true if you believe they are going to come true and don't even attempt what you are trying to accomplish.Without trying to sound like a motivational speaker, I have 3 words for you...YES YOU CAN! Don't get caught in the trap of believing you can't do something before even trying.What Would Jesus Say?Scenario #1: Thousands of people need to eat, there is no food other than one boys basket of food.  Disciples said we can't feed all these people!JESUS Said: YES YOU CAN!Scenario #2: A giant who has never been defeated is standing against an army.  Fear tells the army that no one can defeat him, they should give up.GOD Said: YES YOU CAN!Scenario #3: Israelites are running away from the Egyptians.  They come to the Red Sea, the thought comes, "we cant defeat them we are going to die"GOD Said: YES YOU CAN!How do I Make the Change?This is the part that appears to be pretty simple.

  1. Dont Ever Say You Can't Do Something
  2. Remember that Everything is Possible...No Matter What it is!
  3. Don't Hesitate to Ask for Help

Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me."Mark 9:23 - "Jesus said to him, “If you can believe,[a] all things are possible to him who believes."You should get to a point where you find yourself believing that you can do more things, and thinking to yourself, "yes I can."  Just remember, that while we may just be coming to this realization, God has believed in us all along and has never stopped saying..."YES YOU CAN!"


Our potential is God’s gift to us; what we do with that potential is our gift to God.


Keep your eye on the prize