You are God's "Ace" on the Mound

Have you ever thought to yourself, "why me?" or asked God why He couldn't have chosen someone else to deal with the struggles you are dealing with? I know I have, and Im sure that you have too.  We all get frustrated with our situations throughout our lives, and wish we could give it to someone else.Today I want to encourage you, by simply letting you know that you are going through what you are going through or dealing with that specific person, because God knows you are a the perfect person for the job!  Think about it this way...Its baseball season now, so I'll use a baseball example.  On every team there is a staff of pitchers.  Each major league team probably has upwards of 10 or more pitchers ready to go at any one time.  Now they obviously can't play at one time, so they rotate throughout the year so as not to wear out their arm, and to keep them healthy.  There is normally one or two guys on the rotation that are better than the other, but in an effort not to wear them out, the teams will only pitch them once a week or so.Now lets fast forward to the World Series.  If a team makes it there, they find ways to get their best pitcher or "ace" to pitch multiple games in the same 7-game series.  They are no longer worried about the rest portion of it, as they know this is the last game of the year, and the most important.  The manager knows that the best opportunity for victory comes when he puts that specific pitcher on the mound to pitch.  I'm an Arizona Diamondbacks fan and I watched them do this with Randy Johnson when they went on to win the 2001 World Series.  I think he pitched in at least 3 of the 7 games.In short, God keeps putting you "on the mound" or in these situations because He knows YOU are His best chance for success in that area.  So trust in your preparation and walk boldly knowing that God looks at you as His "Ace"!Proverbs 19:21Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.Genesis 15:20You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.


Ministry is a position not a title


Temporal or Eternal? Worldly or Heavenly?