You Were Created to Know and Be Known to Others

God has exposed lies and broken many strongholds in my life, but I still fight from a victory position and remember that I am created in God's image.Occasionally, I still battle some of the same fears, insecurities, and sin before I was saved. I share this because I want to live as a genuine and transparent person. I always want to be willing to share my testimony, the good and the bad, when God prompts me to.My testimonies help others, whether it's someone I just met, a close friend, or even my wife. I have found when I am willing to be open. It allows the other person to be open as well. If they do, we have connected on a deeper level, and we positively influence one another.

How does someone truly know you unless you are willing to share what is really going on in your life?

Do you have friends you can be real with that truly know your heart? Friends who speak destiny into your life and encourage you to use the gifts and talents God has given you are important. Do you have friends who are there to help you up when you have fallen and think God couldn't possibly love you anymore? Friends who are secure enough in who they are in Christ cheer for you from the sidelines as you are on the playing field. Do you have friends who listen and speak the truth, stripping off the weight that slows you down?

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..." - Hebrews 12:1

Created for Community

This past year, God has really shown me that I need to have these people, specifically men, in my life for me to continue to grow. Men who truly walk with Him. Once He revealed this to me, I asked Him for friends that wanted to be involved in my life as much as I wanted to be in theirs. Obviously, friendship is a two-way street. This led me to a men’s group at church. I trusted Him to give me the strength to take the initiative and start a conversation. Doing so, I have met some great guys that I have gotten to know pretty well. Most importantly, God has allowed me to get involved in the lives of guys newer in their faith. What an honor!

Related Post: I can’t do it alone.

God can put these people in your life at any time and anywhere. In June, my wife Kelly and I were on a trip to Jamaica. We had such a great time. I love spending time with her. On the trip, we met an amazing couple; Brian and Ellae. We went on a dolphin excursion together, spent time on the beach, and got to know each other at dinner. When we got back, I took the initiative to see if Brian had time to talk. He graciously accepted, and I remember being very open with him on the phone.

Worth the Risk

Over the past several months, we have had some great conversations getting to know each other. I am so thankful that I took the initiative and that Brian was open to developing a friendship with me. He has such a good heart and has been such an encouragement to me. He is a blessing in my life.We are created to know and be known by others! I know it's risky, and you could get hurt. There are ways God expresses Himself that can only be found in true friendship. Take the risk!


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