Your Authority In Christ Jesus

We all know the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. He was wrongly accused and placed into a hole with hungry lions for a night. The good news is, God delivered him through the experience and he came out completely unharmed. Angles, under God's authority, shut the mouths of the lions and saved Daniel because He saw him as innocent.

"...They did not harm me because I was found innocent in His sight... Not a scratch was found on him because he trusted in his God." - Daniel 6:22-23 NIV

Daniel was found innocent because of the way he lived and let God work through his life. Fortunately for us, we do not have to sacrifice animals or heed to strict religious traditions to have God see us as innocent. We simply need to live for God and pray continuously for God’s grace to strengthen and encourage us. (Luke 18:1). We have the authority.

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Since Jesus gave His life for us, God now sees us through the lens of Christ! We are instantly seen as innocent to God because of everything Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. Our faith in Jesus allows us to walk in His righteousness and be blameless. We are free to walk in Gods truth and perform the works that he desires for us.

Have you ever asked yourself or your friends which person in the Bible you want to speak to first when you get to heaven?

My husband and I had this conversation not to long ago and this is how he turned that question around: Say you walk up to Moses and he tells you all about his adventures in leading the Israelites to the promise land and how God put His spirit on him. Then Moses says to you – “I had the spirit in me only when God allowed it but you had the Holy Spirit living inside you always. What did you do? Tell me your story?”I say this not to condemn anyone, but to remind you that we have such great ability and authority in us at all times.  The Holy Spirit resides in each of us. We are just as capable, if not more than, anyone in the Bible.

Begin living in the authority that you have in Jesus today!

"Father I pray that as your children we would all be continually full of your Spirit. And that you would prepare and strengthen each of us to walk fully in the authority that a son or daughter of the most high God should walk in! I praise you and love my King Jesus. Amen."

[Editor’s Note: We are republishing this article to add value to our newer readers.]

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