Your Life is More than a 2-D Image

If you spent any time in the 1990's I'm sure you remember those books and posters called "Magic Eye" that were both 2-D and 3-D images based on how you looked at it.  These images were very frustrating to a lot of people (including myself until I figured out how to do it).  In short, they were 2-D graphics that when looked at and focused on correctly would allow you to see the 3-D image of something much more impressive, like a spaceship or city-scape or dinosaur.These books/posters were EVERYWHERE for a few years (just like other fads in the 90's, i.e.: Slap Braclets and Pogs).  But I won't get off track here...The purpose of these Magic Eye images were to show the 3-D image.  While it looked on the surface like something simple and generic, the true artwork came through the 3-D image that was seen only by carefully focusing and understanding how to view the image.I think we get trapped in this "2-D image world" a lot.  There are a lot of things in our lives that cause us to stay focused on the simple portions of our lives (eat, sleep, work, repeat). Especially here in America, we are so "busy" and non-stop that we don't really ever have time to look past the first level of our lives.But our lives were not meant to be lived just on this one level.  Much like the creator of Magic Eye artwork, God created us and our lives to be much more than just a 2-D image.  He wants us to focus on HIM and thus unlock the true masterpiece and plan for our lives.How many times did you look at one of those images in the 90's and just give up because it was frustrating or you didn't want to be made fun of for not being able to see it? I encourage you not to do that with God.  Just because He doesn't speak to you immediately, or you don't see Him in a situation on first glance, don't stop looking.Just remember, that just like Magic Eye...sometimes you have to not focus on the obvious or what is right in front of you to see the real picture, the picture that is the true purpose of the Artist's efforts.  Know and walk in the confidence that God has created your life to be a beautiful multi-dimensional piece of art.  You just have to be patient and focus on Him (not the world) to really experience its beauty to the fullest.The biblical example here is the choosing of King David by Samuel.  When Samuel was in Jesse's house he was certain that he knew which son was the right one to select, but God looked past all of the traditional ways to look at a person and selected David who wasn't even in the house!1 Samuel 16:7"But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'"1 Corinthians 2:14"The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit"


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