You're Missing Out on Life If You’re Living in Fear [Podcast]

God has an amazing life in store for you. Are you living in it? Or are you missing out on life because you're living in fear of something or someone? What fear is holding you back? If you want to experience more freedom and joy than you could ever imagine, it's time to make a change. In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo covers how to begin overcoming fear and living a life of faith, on fire for God. When we overcome this fear, our lives will change and you'll have a more fulfilled life than you ever imagined.Don't miss the 5 points in this episode explaining how to live a life of faith. Here's one part that you need to remember: God has your best interest in mind. He's on your side and he wants you to have the best live you possibly can.

Listen to You're Missing Out on Life If You’re Living in Fear on iTunes:

Alex wrote a full blog post on this topic last month. If you're someone who has been living in fear, be sure to take the time to read it as it covers other ideas and points on this same topic that you're not going to want to miss. It's very important that every Christian learns to live by faith instead of by fear.

Choosing Faith Over Fear

Choosing faith over fear is a decision every Christian must make. The world says to choose fear, but God says to choose faith. Here’s how you make God’s choice.

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