What Would It Take: The Power of Prayer

As Christians, if we truly believe we are the hands and feet of Christ and we are submitted to his will, then we need to allow the Holy Spirit to work within us to produce the Fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

In Acts 16, Paul and Silas demonstrate their faith in God by continuing to praise God even in their suffering. Their love for God showed through self-control, patience, faithfulness and kindness during suffering led to the salvation of others.

During their arrest the pair were severely beaten and thrown into prison, Paul and Silas were placed in the inner cell and their feet were placed in stocks. I’m not sure about you but in my own flesh I wouldn’t be happy, I wouldn’t be rejoicing. However, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them (Acts 16:2).

Despite their dire circumstances, Paul and Silas looked to God instead of away from Him. They allowed themselves to submit to Gods will for their life.

On a side note, this doesn’t mean that God wanted them to suffer, as that is not His nature, let’s not forget we live in a broken world, but God takes what was meant to destroy and turns it into good.

This scripture passage is so important as it illustrates the power of prayer and the significance of faith and worship in the face of adversity. It also demonstrates the impact of witnessing in front of others, and the belief in God's power to intervene and bring about miraculous outcomes.

Despite their physical confinement and suffering, Paul and Silas turn to prayer and worship as a source of strength and comfort. This highlights the transformative power of prayer and how prayer and drawing close to God can sustain you during times of trials and tribulations.

Paul and Silas actions not only served to strengthen their own faith but also served as a witness to the other prisoners around them. Then we see God move, an earthquake occurs, shaking the prison and breaking their chains. This event is seen as a miraculous intervention by God in response to their faith and devotion, showcasing the power of God to work wonders in the lives of His followers.

This event then led to the jailer, fearing that the prisoners had escaped and that he would be punished, to want to take his was own life. Only through the grace extended to Paul and Silas by God, Paul reassured the jailer that they were all still there. The jailer, deeply moved by the actions and words of Paul and Silas, asked what he needed to do to be saved. They told him to put his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the jailer and his household were baptized that same night.

It is amazing to me that in our submission to Gods will he turns things around for our benefit and those around us. 

So, what would it take for you to submit to Gods will for your life? 

If you truly believe that God is a God of love, that He is a loving Father and He works things together for His glory then I encourage you today to pray this pray and draw closer you a Father that loves you beyond measure.

Heavenly and Holy Father,

Thank you for Your loving and faithful heart. Thank you for sending your son Jesus, so that we may know your grace and character.

I come before you today seeking for your will to be done in my life. Father I’m sorry that I fall back to relying on me, thinking that my ways are better than yours. I want to seek you and want to relinquish any part of me that is holding back from you.

Father God, search my heart and show me how I can serve you better, how I can be the hands and feet of Jesus. Help me to submit to you all that is happening in my life, so that You Lord can do the work you have promised and have the ultimate glory. Lord as I sit still now to listen for you, help me to hear your voice in my spirit. Thank you, Father God, for leading me.

In Jesus holy name,



The Reassurance of Prayer


The Kingdom of God vs the Kingdom of Man