2016 Year In Review (Plus 10 of our Most Viewed Posts)

Special thanks to all of our subscribes that joined us in 2016! This year we made a lot of improvements to the website and grew our team by more than 50%. It's been an exciting year. Thank you for your support.

2017 DailyPS Podcast

We have been working/planning to add a weekly podcast to DailyPS early in 2017. We are very excited about this and trust that it will help and reach even more people! To learn more about our 2017 goals, visit the About Us page.

Subscribe to Support

If you are not one of our current subscribers. We strongly encourage you to join in 2017. Many of us make a new years commitment/resolution to read more. By subscribing we'll help you in that goal and send you a positive message. Also, we'll send you a free copy of our new eBook. Click here to subscribe now.

Help Wanted

We are still looking to expand the team in 2017. We are looking for the following:1. Social Media Managers - Individuals who specialize in one or more of the following:FacebookTwitterInstagramPintrestYouTube2. Help us grow - Anyone can do this!We just need people who are willing to invite their friends and families to like us through social media and that will share DailyPS.

Here are our top 10 blog posts from 2016 (Alphabetically):

1. A Christian Perspective On Singleness2. After Orlando3. A Heart Reserved for Adoption4. Am I really saved? (Will I make it to Heaven?)5. How To Be A Man Of God6. My Labor Story7. Only Jesus Can Make America Great Again8. Secret to paying down $71,000 of student loan debt9. Sometimes you just have to get in the shower and cry10. Staying In The FightThank you again for reading and being part of DailyPS throughout 2016! We trust that 2017 will be our best year yet and we will be able to help and reach more people than ever before!


Climb Mountains, Hike Forward, and Push Yourself


Spiritual Amnesia