3 Reflections on the Coronavirus Impact on Sports

Sports are cancelled for the foreseeable future. Whether we had tickets to go see our favorite athletes or were already planning our NCAA brackets, it all came to an abrupt stop. Much of the future of sports is unknown. Will college seniors be able to obtain another year of eligibility? Will the NBA playoffs take place? When will the MLB season begin? Any answer would be a guess at this point. As I sit back, I can’t help but reflect on this sports situation. Here are 3 reflections on the impact of the coronavirus on sports.

Sports make an awful idol.

We love our sports. We look forward to big time events, freeing up our schedules so we can sit in front of the TV, or attend an event to see our favorite superstars.There are many college and professional athletes who are at the end of their athletic career or at the peak of achieving a goal they have been pursuing for years.Many athletes are probably wondering about their financial futures and how they will provide for themselves and their families.

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NCAA Tournament Canceled Amid Caronavirus Concerns for March MadnessFinancial and professional careers are a great concern for those who make their living on sports and they have an unpredictable future ahead of them.As we all individually and collectively navigate this virus, we have a great hope in Jesus Christ that provides peace and hope. Amidst sickness and life altering changes, Jesus promises to be with those who love Him. This is a hope that is present whether the coronavirus affects us personally or not. It is a promise that lives on forever, whether the circumstance be favorable or not.Placing our hope in anything apart from the secure foundation of Jesus is to build our foundation on a foundation that could crack at any moment.

Sports have an end.

Ultimately, sports have an end. Seasons, careers, and the ability to play all have an end date. Sometimes we know the ending and other times, as in this instance, it ends abruptly. There is a great uncertainty of when sports will resume.It is a great reminder to enjoy the gifts of God as He makes them available to us. Our time here on Earth is not guaranteed and the gifts of sports will not be available to us forever. Whether you compete, watch your children play, or coach, enjoy the moments as they are available. The coronavirus means the end for some players and coaches forever.For the majority, it’s the end of a season with teammates or the end of a career with a coach that has impacted the life of the athlete. Others, it is possibly the end of a coaching career, the end of a senior season or the end of a player’s career, forever.Knowing that it can all end in an instant is a great reminder to be present and grateful for every opportunity.

A great opportunity to share the peace and love of Christ.

Lastly, the coronavirus impact on sports is a great opportunity to share the peace of Jesus.While it can seem like all of this is an overreaction, we can’t make light of the virus. While it is not deadly to everyone, it is still having an impact on families and there is no known cure or treatment.Sports may stop for a period, but it is a great opportunity to comfort those who have placed their comfort in sports and introduce them to the king of peace and comfort, Jesus Christ.

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Instead of making light of the situation, we are able to live in the uncertainty of it all with a peace that only the God of the universe can provide. Let us not selfishly undermine the virus because it hasn’t affected us or anyone we know. Rather, let’s show the world that a virus can’t dictate our peace.May the impact of the coronavirus on sports have no comparison to our impact we have on the sports world for His glory.


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