Lead Like Jesus

If you are looking for any type of leadership book or guidance you need to know the name, Ken Blanchard.  Ken is the face of what is called Servant Leadership and wrote the book “Lead Like Jesus” with a couple of other authors.As the title says, the book is focused on Jesus’ time here on earth and what we can learn about his leadership style.  Jesus was and is the best leader that has ever walked the face of this earth.  We can see his impact 2,000 years ago still in full force to this day.I could write a 20-page report just on this book alone, but there are two points that you and I can take, think about, and pray on to become better leaders not just in the workplace but at home and at church.

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A Leaders Self-Worth

If you spend two seconds on any social media platform you will quickly notice we, as human beings, struggle with self-worth.  We post pictures to receive likes, retweets, comments, etc…  Studies have shown that there is a high that we encounter when people comment on statuses and pictures.  Ken had a good quote in Lead Like Jesus about self-worth that really spoke to me;

“If satan had a formula for self-worth it would be: self-worth = our performance + opinions of others.  When we seek to build a secure sense of self-worth on the shifting sands of personal performance and the ever-changing opinions of other people, we end up being tossed about in a sea of self-doubt and anxiety.  We don’t have any security at all.”

Francis Chan also had a quote that ties in well with Ken’s thoughts above and it goes like this; “Are we speaking for the absence of criticism or the presence of the Holy Spirit?”I appreciate that Ken went on to define what healthy self-worth looks like:“Self-worth is not just feeling good about yourself; it comes from a healthy sense of your identity and purpose.  When you exalt God only, you are mindful you belong to God.  You trust him with your life, and you trust that you are who God says you are.  You find your purpose and identity in him.  You are beloved, forgiven, righteous, holy, acceptable and more.”

Questions to Jump Start a Leaders Day

The last point I want to share from Ken’s book is a list of questions to start our day.  I would suggest these questions be written down and displayed in your bathroom, maybe a poster at work, a computer desktop design, etc.…“Imagine sitting down with Jesus just before he sends you off to represent His kingdom where you work and in all your personal relationships.  Here are some questions Jesus might ask to make sure you are ready to head out:

  • Do you Love Me?
  • Do you Trust Me?
  • Will you serve Me by serving others?
  • Do you believe I will always love you regardless of your performance or the opinions of others?
  • Are you willing to set aside recognition, power, and instant gratification, to honor Me by doing the right thing?”

If you haven’t read the book Lead Like Jesus, I highly recommend it. It is actually a really good devotional book because the chapters are only 2-6 pages long and offer questions during and/or at the end of each chapter to think/pray about.


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