A Festivus for the Rest of Us!

Since this will be posted on December 23rd, I figured there could be no greater theme to my post than one of the greatest holidays of the year...Festivus!Now if you are a Seinfeld fan, you undoubtedly agree with me, while everyone else is wondering what I am talking about.  In short, the holiday was described in Seinfeld by Frank Costanza this way...Frank: "Many Christmases ago I went to buy a doll for my son...I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man.  As I rained blows down upon him I realized there had to be another way."Kramer:  "What happened to the doll?"Frank: "It was destroyed, but out of that a new holiday was born...A Festivus for the Rest of Us!"Kramer: "That must have been some kind of doll!"Frank: "Oh she was"The short of this is that George's father (Frank Costanza) hated all the commercial and religious aspects of Christmas, so he created his own holiday.I naturally started thinking about this today, and realized that Frank Costanza had every right to create his own holiday.  Look at how crazy things get around the Christmas season in our culture today.  Have you tried to go shopping for ANYTHING within the last week?  If so you understand what it is like out there.  There are an over abundance of commercials talking about what to get for others for Christmas and not to mention the stores have been filled with Christmas decorations since Halloween.But maybe instead of creating a new holiday, we can just reclaim what the original intent of the holiday was.  Love and giving.  Just as a small doll that Frank Costanza was trying to buy changed the way he celebrated the season. so too should a small Christ Child change out outlook on what we celebrate.Am I saying gifts are bad? Actually I'm saying the opposite.  The original intent of Christmas was a gift (Jesus) given to all of man-kind from God.  John 3:16 says it better than anyone can describe it..."For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."Love and giving, is what Christmas is all about.  Don't let pretty boxes or expensive gifts take away from what the intent is of a gift.  It is to show someone how deeply and truly you care for them and love them.  Thats what God did for us, and thats what we should do for every person we feel led to give a gift to!Give out of love and your gift will be loved.


The Weary World Rejoices!


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