Pray for Aleppo and Take Action

While we prepare for our holiday festivities, the people of Aleppo Syria are in need of help

This video above is a prayer prayed by Dr. Chawkat Moucarry, a Aleppo Syrian-born Christian, who is an Interfaith Specialist from World Vision USA.

“We must never lose our capacity to feel outrage when human beings are so callously slaughtered, and then we must turn that outrage into action. Pray, give, and raise your voices in support of these Syrian families.” says Rich Stearns, World Vision U.S. president.

The media is covered with the news of what is currently happening in Aleppo, Syria. Thousands of people in Syria have fled and are displaced. Other citizens are still trapped in East Aleppo posting videos on social media to raise awareness.

The question arises... What can I do to help?  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. First, we should Pray for Aleppo. Pray for the people who have escaped. Pray for those still trapped. Pray for God to change the hearts of those causing this terror. Pray for the workers who are putting their own lives in danger daily to help strangers.

[easy-tweet tweet="People tend to use prayer as a last resort when it should, instead, be what we do first." via="no" usehashtags="no"]

World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, is on the ground serving those who escaped Aleppo City. They are currently helping about 100,000 people who have fled the violence and destruction. Pray for Aleppo

Related Post: Do something for someone that cannot return the favor.

World Vision is helping:

Provide sanitation services and clean water, equipment and supplies for the local women's and children's hospital, and hygiene kits. They even provide food and blankets for the people in the area surrounding the city.

I encourage you to take action

Not only can you pray for Aleppo, but you can donate to the Aleppo Crisis Relief Fund by World Vision.

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